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It had been three years since Aku has been to work. And she was just sitting around in the living room while the boys were taking their nap reading, wrapped up in a blanket with red wine in a cup beside her.

  "Aku Bunny you need to work soon you know."  

Aku looked up from the book that she had been reading. "Long time no see Jess when did you get back?" Aku put the book down and moved over so that Jesse could sit down.

Jesse waved his had as to dismiss Aku's question, "Unimportant, you need to work or at lest show up you have been in the house without leaving for almost a full four years already, People at your company don't even think that you work their anymore girl." 

Aku rolled her eyes, "I own the damn company first of all so obviously I sill work there and who is gonna watch 7 kids while I am away at work...?"

Jesse gave Aku a look, "Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, and Joon can all go to school now. Tae, Kook, and Jimin can also but I can tell that you don't want them to so send them to daycare, that's what my mom and many other did and still do."

Aku sighed and drank a little bit of her red wine, "But here's the think, I don't want my kids to go anywhere that I have not first looked into and I would send them to my childhood school but that is cross the country at the moment, and I don't think that they want to go in the first place." 

Jesse boped Aku on the head and rubbed his temples, "I was trying to speak all proper and stuff but obvi you are not trying to get that so. There is a daycare and school twenty minutes from your workplace, take the fucking kids there you hoe."

Aku rubbed her head, "First of all you are a strong fucking ass bitch that shit hurt, and secondly no way in hell are they going to no school when they can be home schooled like they are now."

"Bitch, sign them up and get your fuckin ass to work." Jesse stared Aku down until she sighed in defeat knowing that Jesse was not going to change his mind on this at all. "Fine when do I sign them up?"

Jesse gave Aku her wine bottle, "Today, as in now you hoe, I'll be watching them while you are out."

Aku took some more sips of the bottle grabbed herself a jacket and some shoes and she was off to sign her kids up for daycare and school. 

*driving time skip*

Aku got to the daycare building first and the lady at the front desk asked her questions. "How may I help you today?" 

Aku fidgeted a lil bit, "I would like place my kids in daycare?"

The lady smiled, "Ok, Just fill out this form for me and feal free to ask me any questions as you fill the form out."

Aku took the paper from the lady and sat down where she say somebody else filling out some paper to. 

1. How many kids are you enrolling? 

2. Their names and or nicknames.

3. Dislikes and likes

4. Allergies

5. Ages

and the rest was just medical information and Aku's phone number.

"Well," Aku thought, "Let's get started." after fifteen minutes Aku was done as was walking back up to the desk with everything filled out. 

The lady took her paper a scanned it a little bit then smiled," I see that you love you boys a whole lot Miss. Lee."

Aku blushed a little bit, "That I do, what time do I bring my boys and what teacher to bring them to?" 

The lady smiled," Ah I believe hat they should be with Ji-won, let's go and see shall we."

Aku followed the lady but in her head Aku as thinking that that name sound very familiar for some reason

They got to the door and the lady knocked and the door and told me to go in and meet with the teacher and that she would be just outside the hall.

Aku walked in and almost yelled out loud, "Bobby since when did you work with kids, and you are something that is not very nice for not telling me that my big brother worked so very close to me." 

Bobby laughed, "It has been a long time since any one has called me that, and you see me after three years and I don't get not one single hug?" 

Aku walked over and hugged her older brother, "Ok, but before you even ask no and no found not by blood ok, and where is Ho at tho you always together or near each other."

Bobby sat down in one of the many chairs, "First was not gonna ask but now I want to but we can talk about that Later and as for Ji-ho I dunno where he is at this very moment. "

Aku sighed, "Ah ok sorry that I kinda got to run I got to sign up four more at the school." 

Bobby looked at her, "I found seven ok and they were cute so let me live, also come over tonight so that we can talk, if I find Ho I'll tell him to come over also."

Bobby laughed," If he heard you say that he would kill you Kaisu."

Aku rolled her eyes," Going by first name now, hmmmm ok then but I really need to go now, see yah at 6. Bye Bunny." 

And with that Aku walked back to the front and the lady smiled asked if everything turned out good and Aku smiled with a nod, "Yeah, everything is great, see you Monday."

It with the same with the other place to Sign Joon and the rest up, except this time their teacher would be Ji-ho. 

"You know me and Bobby was just about you like not even an our ago." Zico laughed, "All good things I hope, But what brings my little sister over to the school?" Aku was about to answer but paused, she had to choose and word things the right way or else she could have a lecture. "I am enrolling 4 kids into you class, anymorequestionswecantalkaboutthislaterwithBobbyatmyhomelaterHo!" And with that Aku or as we now know Kaisu run out the building.

Zico thought about what Kaisu just said............"Aku call me Ho didn't she." Zico could just smile, after all it had been a good bit of years since he had seen his little sister. 


Decided to update this today and I actually had time to write this hope you love it any questions please ask.

Love yah.

(No edit, don't think I ever will TBH)

(1138 words)

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