Shopping pt 2

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"Jesse hurry the fuck up!" Jesse rolled his eyes and followed her outside of the building.

"What is your problem?" 

You see Aku was peacefully shopping when somebody that looked very familiar bumped into her and at the time she was holding Namjoon in one arm and held Jin's hand in the other. They didn't say sorry but she just brushed it off and went to find Jesse, Jesse was with everybody else in the toy section. 

"Jesse, what are you doing?" Jesse was talking to the same person that had just bumped into her. Jesse turned around, "Just talking, have you met Sam." Aku nodded and gave Sam a smile but she just narrowed her eyes. Aku decided that she was not about to deal with this began to walk outside of the store, and called Jesse to come on. Which brings us back to the present time. 

Aku rubbed her eyes, "That person that you were just talking to bumped into me earlier and I went to find you so we can leave."

Jesse rolled his eyes, "And why would she do that?" 

Aku shrugged her shoulders, "Oh I don't know maybe because, I stole her boyfriend when we were in College, or maybe because I fired her three weeks ago." 

Jesse sighed, "Ok, so we are going to another store." Aku nodded her head, "The last one before we eat, and it is the store for nothing but baby and toddler things." Jesse nodded and they headed back into the car. 

Inside the car~

Aku was driving while Jesse sat in the passenger seat, "So Aku why did you do those things to that poor girl." Aku laughed, "Poor girl my ass, she is a liar and cheater." 

Jesse looked at Aku, "How so?" Aku kept her eyes on the road, "First off she was cheating on her boyfriend with three different people, and he was so sweet that I couldn't just watch her ruin him so I told him." 

Jesse gasped dramatically,"Did you even know the boy?" 

Aku nodded," Yeah I know him we had spoken multiple times in classes, but we weren't close friends, anyway I told him and he was like give me some proof, so I told him to follow me and we walked to the garden s outside the school, were she was sitting there with another boy's dick in her mouth. The boy was heartbroken so we left and went to my dorm where he cried." 

Jesse was looking at Aku in pure disbelief, "So how did you both become a thing?" 

Aku was silent for a little bit,"We didn't really go out he just wanted to make her feel bad, so he asked me if I would pretend to be his Girlfriend, I said ok and he broke up with her and she blamed me." 

Jesse ah-ed, "Now why did you even hire her?" 

"I believe that she just made some mistakes in the past and she wanted a job so I hired her and she worked well for a while until I started to notice that we were slowly losing money. I called everyone into the office and told them what was happening and that we would be looking through the cameras so if they were the one stealing money they can say it now. Nobody said anything, we checked the cameras but didn't notice anything unnormal. So we continued to lose Money. So now that the cameras didn't show anything,  Everybody did a lie detector test and she failed so I fired her."

Jesse sat back in his seat, "I guess she really isn't a poor girl." Aku nodded and turned into the parking lot. "Exactly, but now we are here so let's get to shopping so that I can go home." Aku took Jin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Yoongi out of the car and held their hands. (She held Yoongi and Hobi's hand while Yoongi held Jin's hand and Hobi held Namjoon's hand) Where Jesse had to put a fussy Jimin and Kook inside their strollers while Tae was fine with it.

They stepped inside the store and instantly had to rub their arms from the cold. They walked to the clothes and Aku started from oldest to youngest in outfits. "Jin honey what do you want to wear." Jin walked to the section that had lots of blue clothes, and he put 50 different outfits in the cart. Aku smiled, "Is your favorite color blue Jin?" Jin nodded and walked back from the blue section. Aku repeated this process six more times and then they went to check out, with a line of carts following them. 

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