Shopping pt 1

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I've taken some time off of work to help me think about what I'm gonna do with 7 kids in one apartment that now feels small.

Well obviously they need rooms and beds of there own, So this means shopping.

I grab my phone and quickly call my friend Jesse.

I need to go shopping, come over?
Be there in 10.

I hang up with a smile now. To cook food and pick out clothes.

I went into the kitchen and began to cook. (They can eat but only like grits and eggs.)

Once I'm done I walk into my room and very silently, to not wake my kids, picked them out something to wear.

That all being said and done, I wake the kids up two at a time.

I picked Namjoon and jin up. Which made them open there eyes to look at me. "Good morning my lil princess." They giggled and I walked out to the living room, where I sat down and feed them some food. Once they were done I gave them so sippy cups that I got from the lady next door.

Next set was Tae and Kookie. They were basically awake when I went into the room, just moving with their eyes closed. I awwed and picked them up each giving a kiss on the forehead.

I did the same to this as I did for Namjoon and Jin who had somehow cut on the T.V and were watching Pocoyo.

I shrug, "As long as they aren't breaking things."

I walk into the room to get my mini squad off the bed. Once they were all up off the bed, we went into the kitchen where they were fed and moved to the other room where everyone was watching T.V so I placed them down with everybody else.

I then made my own plate of food and sat down watching T.V with them.

After the show went off I got up to put my plates in the sink when someone knocked on the door.

"I'm coming!" You could hear a laugh. "I hope not."

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door to see Jesse in some brand new Louis Vuitton. I shake my head, "Why not Gucci Jesse?"

Jesse looks at me and shrugs, "Eh first thing I grabbed, now let's go." He reached for my hand when I felt a tug on my shirt I looked down at Jin.


Jin made the hand motion for me to pick him up.

I picked him up but he was soon taken from me by Jesse, who was currently giving Jin kisses all over.

"Jesse give me back my son." Jesse shook his head but gave me back Jin when he started to get fussy.

Once I had jin back I walked into the living room with Jesse behind me, who gasped at the sight of six other kids all sitting down in the living room.

"Aku, whose kids are those?"

I pointed at my self. Jesse clapped, "You finally lost it I'm so proud."

I laughed, "Sorry, to say this but no, found em outside and took them as my own."

Jesse fell on the floor dramatically. "Bruhhhhh, when will you fuck somebody?"

Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok all repeated what Jesse said, "Fuck?"

I kicked Jesse in the leg, "Look what you did."

Jesse shrugged, "They could learn worse," and sat down on the chair.

Rolling my eyes, "Jesse watch the kids while I go get dressed, ok." It wasn't really a question seeing as how I walked into my room to change.

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