June 4th • 7

57 10 6

- Nothing Happened -


June 4th, 1995

Dear Diary,

I stepped out, before the sunrise. I had everything planned out in my mind. I would go to the infamous suicide point, and well, I would commit suicide. I cannot handle the pain anymore.

Kithe jari, Rupa? Dadi asked. (Where are you going )

She saw me! I got tensed with a bland face I made an excuse that I was going to the temple, she said that without bathing, I again tried to make an excuse but she pulled me inside and slapped me.

Maran jari tu? teir endi himat, bavri! Thuaade naal anda ke ho gya jo tu maran jari enda me jandi ye thudi ma de waja se nhi! She yelled at me. 

(How dare you even think about suicide, stupid! What happened to you that you are trying to do this! I know this isn't because of your mother)

She held my suicide letter in her hand. I didn't write about the taxi driver in it, I just wrote that I can't live. But when Dadi hugged, my eyes told her everything. 

In a world where the rich donates money for fame to the very person he killed, we poor just stand and watch. 

Dadi told me to forget about it. But how could I? I gave it up, when I saw father behind me. We live as of nothing happened. He told me to forget about becoming a doctor, he is going to find a boy for me to get married.

 Good Night, Diary  

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