June 7th • 10

50 9 10

- Before 13 Days -


June 7th, 1995

Dear Diary,

I had to decide to open my tuition classes, children would come, I'll teach them. Make some money and more than that contribute to the society as well. I went to tell my neighbors about the tuition classes I'm starting but no one even looked at me with a straight face, I was in the house which is in front of mine and Dadi yelled at me when she saw me outside. She called me inside. I rushed in and asked her what happened? 

Well, in Hindu's a mourning period of 13 days is observed by the family of the deceased and in that period we are not supposed to step out of our house. I'm not at all a spiritual person so I was not fond of this. But 

In a world where even religion is also imposed on others

What choice did I had. I sat down, waiting for the days to pass by.

Good Night, Diary 

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