June 17th • 12

45 10 6

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June 17th, 1995

Dear Diary,

Even after the whole night Dadi's fever didn't went down. I was worried. Father slept quite well last night, why wouldn't he since Dadi wasn't there to stop him from drinking alcohol.  I was filled with stress. First I had to look after Dadi and on top of that Father was puking all over the floor. I don't know why does he drink. Mummy hated it but she never said it. I hate it but I can't say it.  I watched the sunrise in between the sound of howling.  

It was 10 in the morning when I got a call from Kartik. He scolded me and asked me to come immediately. I tried to tell him that my grandmother is ill but he hung up just after telling me to come.  Now, I had to choose between my family and my dream. And I choose...

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