June 18th • 15

38 6 4

- Just One Cup of Tea -


June 18th, 1995

Dear Diary,

I came back from the hospital with Dadi at midnight. Father wasn't at home either. Dadi seemed worried, I asked her to rest and not to worry about father. She was still having trouble in moving on her own. I assisted her to the bedroom. And I went to the kitchen to prepare tea for her. We didn't even have enough milk to make tea for two. Well, maybe it's true that

We live in a world were necessities are nothing against wants

When I was taking the tea to Dadi's room, I heard a knock on the door and some murmuring. I knew it had to be father. I didn't open the door with just one cup on the plate, I thought why should I? That man was out the whole day when his mother was ill. 

I went to Dadi's room and served her the tea. The knocking became louder. Some unclear sounds started to come. I went to open the door and it wasn't father there but...

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