Chapter 19

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Nina's POV

I blinked my eyes open. I saw Leo next to me, Jakob was a few blocks away, and Chooky was way behind me towards the left. I heard Herobrine.

"Shut up!" Herobrine roared.

"You killed Dylan!" she cried.

I looked towards them and saw Dylan with a huge wound in his chest.

"I'll kill you next! I don't need you! You'll never change!" Herobrine screeched.

Mia drew her iron sword and glared darkly at Herobrine. I shook Leo awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Leo," I whispered, "Take your bow out. Look!"

"Oh, okay. Let's go." Leo got up.

He notched an arrow in his bow and pointed it at Herobrine, he released the string and the arrow wizzed by my head, right into Herobrine's back. He moaned in pain.

"Why you!" Herobrine charged at us.

I brought out my diamond sword and had it in defense mode. Herobrine brought his sword down on my sword. It was such a great force, it knocked me back. Then, Jakob and Chooky woke up. They started to shoot arrows at him, too.

I rolled over and noticed a portal behind him. I got up and looked more closely at the portal. I whipped around and pointed my sword at Herobrine's throat, just where I wanted to slice him. But I stopped myself.

"Where does that portal lead to?" I ask.

"You're interested in it, hm? Well, it goes to the room of portals. When you get in there, you can get to pretty much anywhere. Even to the Ender Dragon. Even to my stupid brothers! Notch and Steve this! Notch and Steve that! No credit for me!" Herobrine yelled.

"But, you're just Derek, who turned into Herobrine." Mia said.

"I was, at first. I noticed he still had feelings for you. But you were I strong girl, you would have worked good as a servent. I took over his body. I want to rule Minecraft! I want my revenge on Notch and Steve!" Herobrine had a smug look.

His eyes shifted around, looking at all of us. Then he teleported towards the portal. I lunged after him.

"Nooo!" I screamed.

His sword slashes right through the portal and it shatters right before my own eyes. No way to get back to the real world! I raised my sword and brought it down with all my force. Herobrine let out an ear spitting scream then he disolved.

"We did it! Well, I mean you did it." Leo said.

I rushed to him and kissed his lips.

"Dylan!" Mia yelled.

We all ran over to him. He was dead. But then I noticed his chest was rising up and down. Mia gasped. Dylan was alive!

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