On the run

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  It all started with a phone call. I had to do this. 

Watching him take a sip, it took my every urge not to swat the glass away, yet this was the only way to save my own life. He tilted his cup higher, drinking the entire thing in one swig, and wiped the remaining red liquid from the bottom of his lips. I wondered how long it would take to go into effect. I wondered how long it would take before he became dizzy and forgot where he was, or before his vision blurred together and his body went numb. Minutes? Hours? How will the occupants of the restaurant respond? I try to keep my thoughts off my face. Everything seems to switch into slow motion. For a moment, I doubt myself. Did I poison the correct glass? His lips are moving but I do not hear a single thing, not even the piano player striking those ivory keys. I watch those lips until I bend slightly over to look at his eyes. Is this the last time I will ever see them? This is. This is the only way I can live. A fair trade, one could say, one life for another. His hand reaches across the table. Just his touch alone sent shivers through my body. Guilt is creeping into my gut. It takes all of my strength to withhold tears. he stands from the table. What is he doing? He digs in his pocket to reveal a black box and falls to one knee. A gorgeous silver ring is revealed. Its lone diamond lights up the dim room. I stand as well, one hand cupping my mouth and the other holds my heart into place. Tears are streaming down my face. I can not hold back any longer. He smiles. He must think these are tears of joy. It quickly fades as he begins coughing, and coughing. The ring tumbles to the ground with him. Wine colored blood has stained the floor.  

"PARKER" I gasped. I knew this would happen but all of a sudden the expectancy is replaced with utter fear. I bend down and put my head down to his chest letting the napkin in the left pocket absorb the uncontrollable tears. I move my hair from my face and pick up the box that was now on the ground with an isolated space inside. The ring was missing. I had no time though. I got up, took off my diamond heels, My prints had been splattered everywhere. Face on the camera and the only way to escape is to run. I went into the bathroom and ripped off the satin silk dress that was glued to my skin. I dived into my bag and changed into a tie-dye top that was the colors of slowed down light. The top was paired with mom jeans and white sneakers. I walked out silently making sure the panicked staff didn't notice. There was a small pathway near the place the "Accident" took place. it leads to this mesmerizing forest that was thick the branches intertwined with each other like two people madly in love. As the light drains away there is barely enough even for shadows. Whether I like it or not the darkness comes and under it everything in this forest is hidden. Even the stars and moon cower behind a dense layer of cloud, giving the air that tincture I associate with the world before a storm. My ears become sharper and my mind paranoid, every snap of a twig is a predator, even if it is a fawn. For each aroma, my brain jumps to the most fearsome thing it could be and my body prepares for flight, fright or freeze. For the most part, I just freeze, running will now give my position away and In order to survive all I can do is wait, while the blackness comes and pray that the dawn is not far behind. So I sit on the damp ground, feeling the frigid water seep into my jeans. My heart can beat all it wants, but this body won't move until daylight breaks through the canopy above. With hands resting in the soil and my back to an oak, I remain, waiting, breathing..

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