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Everyone dropped to the ground as an army of police parade into the room, the eary noise of the helicopters were propelling into everyone's thoughts. I held Dawson as he blanketed me making sure I couldn't be seen. I then felt a poke on my back resulting me to turn around, It was Bianca. She pulled out a neon purple, gem-filled mask, It was perfect.

I put it on without anyone seeing me as Dawson was still covering me. I could hear panicked whispers from everyone who were bent down on the marble ground. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Eyes widened, breaths ragged and harsh. My hands trembled at my sides and I wanted to jam my fist into my mouth to stifle the scream. I heard them coming; the soft susurration of their footsteps, like a threatening whisper. It didn't seem to come from any direction, just a sound that encapsulated my inside cocoon of despair and hopelessness. I probably wasn't going to make it out free. my legs were frozen into place, so was I.

"Hey baby girl, don't worry," Dawson reassured me as he grabbed ahold of my hand. The tall police officers walked around asking people to remove there mask, and surely they made it to me. I got up and took off my mask.

"What is your name madam?" He asked in a sturdy voice. I looked down in shame and replied


I knew I could have lied about my name but I'm tired of running, I have a nod to Dawson as his face was now colorless and I could see tears welling up in his vibrant blue eyes.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in court" the police replied

Immediately all guns were pointed at me and the police officer turned me around vigorously and cuffed me tightly. All I could focus on was Dawsons worried face as his along with the rest of the guests goggled me as they dragged me mercilessly to the large exit.

When I left I was blinded by the bright flashes of thousands of cameras.

"Aurora, all evidence point to you murdering Parker, did you do it?" One reporter asked eagerly.I knew my best option was to look down and not say a word.

"Aurora, what drove you to kill parker?" Another reporter asked. There were so many people to the point where 7 police officers had to come and push people away from me. I kept my head down but the only thought that ran through my mind was, how did they know? How did they know I was here? Was it the receptionist who let me in?

I was thrown into the back of the car and driven all the way to the police office where they took me into a room to take a mugshot and run some tests.

After the mandatory fingerprints and drug test and clothes changing I was accompanied by 2 guards who held each of my arms and also made me walked to this tall iron door which was away from all the other ones, this one was on the complete other side. They used a card and scanned the door and then I was forced to go inside the complex, slow and silent. The air inside was different, and for a moment I was unable to put my finger on why. Then it occurred to me, the smell of sweat was gone, there was no sound of people, nothing but the eerie silence. But that wasn't the worst of it. This place is just walls, walls and giant empty rooms. We had entered one of the places I believed people had been held before they were experimented on. Here we could feel the icy grip of death. There was a small room inside this room and that was where I would stay. When I was pushed in they slammed the door behind me and I noticed the prison cell was a hollow cube of concrete, one way in, no windows. In there you could have no idea how much time had passed or even if it was night or day. It was totally disorientating by design. Given enough time a person could forget their own name in there. The isolation was total and the stimulation was zero. No sound, no light, no furniture or cloth of any kind. all an inmate could do was to feel the cool walls, but even they were smooth.

All I heard was a mouse wail night and day. The only human interaction I could have was with the worker who brings me food and even he wouldn't budge a word.

It had been presumably 7 days now and I was going insane, alone and cold also, orange really wasn't my color.

All of a sudden, The outside door that leads to my door opened and all I could see was a tall dark figure.

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