Chapter 3

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Hello beasties! I'm back from the dead! Or at least my vacation. I'm finally recharged and ready to start on the next chapter of this series(my favorite one so far, I must have watched the video like 200 times, rather obsessively if I might say)! But this time I'm not going to write such a long ass chapter like I did in the previous chapter, mainly because it probably would take a super long time to write over 2000 words like I did previously so this chapter will start off taking place after the events in the Land of the dead video. Just watch the video above so you can refresh your memory on the events that happened, because I don't really want to do a huge summary of what happened in this amazing video, okay? So away we go!

A/N 2019: Okay, I now realize that 2000 words isn't all that much, considering that I have fairly recently finished a 20000 or more word chapter a month ago...... jeez, 16 year old me really was totally innocent of what she'd become, wasn't she?   Anyway, you live and learn, I guess! Hope that you enjoy!

a year and a bit later after the events of the fateful night.......

Duke's P.O.V: Duke gazed over his hellish kingdom, a wide smile forming on his face. This desolate, fire and brimstone, lava rivered, monster inhabited realm was his, and his alone, nobody even daring to try and challenge his rule..... And besides, he'd made sure that they wouldn't exactly be.... around to overthrow him, per say.....

And besides, being the supreme ruler of the land of did have its perks..... like the swell collection of canes that he had commissioned especially for him. And they all complimented his new wardrobe so well, from the sleek onyx colored guitar, to the more refined Egyptian style one he carried right at the moment....

But damn, there were a certain few pieces of his wardrobe from the mortal plane he wouldn't have exactly minded taking with him to the afterlife....

Oh well, guess you couldn't have it all. So to speak. He offered up a chuckle at that.

Damn, it was good to be king. Or rather, overlord. But whatever you wanted to call him, he still was the supreme ruler of this land after all......

Since his untimely demise at the hands of those broads in the land of the living, Duke had been rather.... accepting of his departure from the mortal plane of existence.

Honestly, he'd practically forgotten about the two girls up in the mortal plane. Let them do what they wanted, take his place for their own, go back to their boring town, really, he didn't care.

He couldn't give a damn what happened to those two crazy bitches.

After all, what was done was done, and there was little one could do to change the course of fate. He'd more or less accepted that he was dead, and that almost nothing on this earth or off this earth could really change that fact.........

And besides, it gave him more time over the past year to take full advantage of all of the perks available to the supreme ruler of the underworld. After all, it'd be a crime if he didn't live it up to the fullest while he ruled......

And what a year it had been! Lounging in his dragon's blood jacuzzi, with those spellbindingly sexy gorgon sisters at his side. Equally erotic moments with a certain centaur that pulled his chariot....A troupe of zombie skeletons to carry him across the eternally burning river of flame that surrounded his twisted castle. The little "games" he'd put on with a choice number of sinners, mostly involving the doomed souls trying to escape his loyal mutt Cerberus........ only to be devoured whole by the oversized, fluffy sweetheart with three heads who faithfully guarded his castle. Feasting on delicacies like kraken soup, eye of newt daiquiris, and blood-chocolate beignets-even if he was only able to enjoy a few bites of them at a time before feeling slightly nauseated-...... Spending many an erotic night with those tantalizing gorgon sisters in his skull bed.... The endless parties in the Land of the Remembered, where the wine flowed in rivers like blood and the sex...... ohhhh, was almost worth burning to death for.

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