Question and answer time!

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Me: Hello beasties! I welcome you to the very first question and answer of this series! And in case you are wondering about my OC that I said would be coming into this well let me present to you, Eden Jackson, one of my vampire OC's!

Eden: Thank you ducky darling, and hello to all of you bunnies out there! I'm very pleased to meet you!

Me: Okay, before we get the first part of this question and answer underway, I would like to introduce some things about Eden!

   Character profile: Eden

Age: biologically, she looks about 18 to 19 years old, but she's actually over 100 years old considering she was turned in the 1920's. (yes beasties, she's a flapper through and through!)

Eden: Couldn't have put that any better myself!

Hair color/style: She's got this dirty blonde hair that is usually in this mass of corkscrew curls(her hair is amazingly curly and it takes her forever to tame it)

Eye color:  her eyes used to be brown as a human, but now they're the same red color as most vampires

Body type: She's actually shorter than your average vampire, being five foot three and all, and she absolutely-positutely, HATES IT. (People often underestimate her because of her size. But don't be fooled by her adorable appearance, cause she fights with the ferocity of a tiger or when she's with friends, like one of those Rudy Mancuso vines titled "How we fight tall people".) Her body  type is curvy and she's got this heart-shaped face with a tiny mole on one cheek like those film stars from that period.  (I modeled her after Alice Francis)

Aww! Thanks for the compliment ducky!

When will she appear in the story: Probably around book 2 of the story, spesifically in The Vampire club part!

Anyway, here's a picture of how I imagine what she looks like!

Mainly because stuff is gonna get, (let me put this nicely), crazier than me on a bad day and  ooooh boy,  you would not believe some of the stuff that will happen!

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Mainly because stuff is gonna get, (let me put this nicely), crazier than me on a bad day and  ooooh boy,  you would not believe some of the stuff that will happen!

Role models: Harley Quinn(she shares aa lot of the same traits with Harley Quinn and a slightly similar past), GwenPool( fondness for the color pink and for deadly weapons), Evie from the Diviners series(an awesome series by Libba Bray!), and Roxie Hart from Chicago.

Voice actress: probably Alice Francis! She's got the type of singing voice that I immediately associated with Eden When I heard "Shoot him down" for the first time!  I also think she sound a lot like Harley Quinn with her speaking voice! (any version will do, cartoon or Suicide Squad versions are the best!)

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