Chapter 10

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Well my darlings, I'm finally back with another chapter of this lovely story you guys love so much! (14.3 k reads! Wow! You beasties are fabulous! ) And guess what? This is a second part to the first chapter that I posted! Yeah, that's right, we're getting two chapters for the price of one here(as well as some background info about Curtis and Duke, because I keep meaning to post some stuff about them), and we'll be doing something a bit more special here, mainly in these three categories:

Ocs,(Like Curtis and Veronica, and some Lilith too.....)  shippy stuff(Between you and Duke!  I mean:Finally, right?), and a resurrection(Of a certain character that's been around since chapter one.....).

All in the same chapter! *yay* And they're actually more or less in that exact same order, for reasons I can't tell you as of yet..... (Also, I kinda have some news for all you beasties, I'll tell you what it is by the end of the chapter.....)

Oh, and by the way, the outfit results are in for the eventual "showdown" chapter, and guess what? The outfit you, the reader will be wearing in that chapter is ........

Outfit #4!

 An excellent choice! (Oh, and to prevent any future confusion, the second half of the chapter is more or less happening at the same time as the events that happen in the first part

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 An excellent choice! (Oh, and to prevent any future confusion, the second half of the chapter is more or less happening at the same time as the events that happen in the first part. So basically, while all this stuff happens with Duke and Curtis, the stuff with Missi is happening too. Hope that clears it up! Also, expect some Ocs popping up in Missi's part, including the unnamed voice, "Hazel", and a girl named after one of my favorite elcotro swing songs: Bella Belle!)

Anyway, let's begin, right where we left Duke......

Duke's P.O.V

It'd been.... how long again? Twenty years maybe? Or was it after that incident with the member of Shapeshifter royalty that happened thirty years before(Where he'd been more or less kicked out for a brief amount of time)? Nevertheless,It'd been quite a while since he'd visited this particular graveyard dive that was for certain, and he'd almost missed the entry crypt several times as he trudged through the graveyard, nearly fallen into a open grave(twice), and completely ignored the beckoning of several luscious undead beauties(He'd be mentally kicking himself for that later, once he'd fully realized what he'd done.) .

Yep, Duke certainly wasn't himself at the moment. He'd just breezed by those undead darlings as if they weren't even there, muttering obscenities under his breath about a certain f/c haired vampiress...

One really couldn't blame him, because like it or not, Duke's mind was elsewhere at the present moment.

What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he getting so worked up over HER, of all people? It was HER fault he was even in this situation in the beginning(along with her bitch of a friend), so why should he be going into the trouble of rescuing her from his old frenemy? It wouldn't really be such a crime if he went back to his nice comfortable crypt, and finished off the last of the blood wine? Y/n was probably FINE anyway, she was a tough little broad, she could handle herself......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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