Chapter 7

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OMG! The next part of the Vampair series is finally out(and around Halloween too, one of the most wonderful times of the year!), and now I can finally get on with the next chapter beasties!(On another note, you all are fabulous! 7.7k reads? Where did the time go?) Anyway, here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy!! And sorry if it's a little short due to the length of the aforementioned video, but I hope you beasties love it anyway!

(Bonus note: I re-wrote a lot of this chapter, mainly because I felt like I could have done this a whole lot better than I did before, and I feel I could have handled your's and Duke's first moments together better.... anyway, hope you guys still enjoy!)

You and Duke sat there for a moment in shock before you opened your mouth still in partial disbelief of what had just happened. "Oh my god, my best friend just fucking kicked me out." She had done it, just like that, throwing you through doors, taunting you the whole way, and worst of all....

There wasn't any remorse or any sort of human emotion while she did it, showing no sign of the girl you had grown up with, gone to see Phantom of the Opera with in 8th grade, the girl who had promised that the two of you would be friends forever. That girl was completely gone now, nothing more than rose-tinted memories, a handful of mementos, and more than a share of empty promises. Your friendship was also part of the past now, nothing more than a final reminder of your mortal life that had been so unceremoniously snatched away from why the hell didn't you seem to know how to feel about all of this?

As for the girl who remained..... She was nothing more than a traitorous, self -serving, pitiless....... A evil....Whether it was                       Really, you were still attempting to                  She couldn't have              right? This was just a dream,                 you were going to wake up any minute now       Any minute now, 

No wait, you knew what Missi was, she was nothing but.....

 An utter fucking bitch! God! HOW COULD SHE? Some friend she was....... Well, you were defiantly not going to consider HER a friend anymore. Best friend? Ha! More like former friend, because from now on you 

You felt Duke's eyes on you as he stood up, dusting off his torn clothes. 

"So, dollface, great job back there! I can tell you really showed her what for.... " The sarcasm practically oozed out of every syllable. "Tell me doll, was getting us humiliated through song and dance part of the plan? Because if so, you're doing amazing."

What. The. Fuck.

Anger flared in your chest, and you gritted your teeth. The stubborn, difficult girl you had been in your mortal life was back, and she was raring to go. After all of the bullshit you'd just gone through, the bastard had the nerve to insult you like that....... Guess his stint in the Underworld had done nothing to improve his horrible personality, that was for certain.

And you certainly weren't going to take any of his shit lying down, or rather, sitting down, in your case.

 You climbed to your feet, and faced Duke. "Well excuse me if I didn't know! And you didn't have to be such a dick to me when I resurrected you. A simple thank-you would have sufficed."

Duke looked shocked, and he muttered to himself, sounding not pleased at all. "She wants me to thank her? That's a laugh. Crazy bitch...." Okay, insults? Seriously? Did he really think that you wouldn't be able to hear him demeaning you with your supernaturally enhanced hearing?

Honesly, it was one of your favorite perks of being a vampire, and since this guy had turned you into a member of the undead in the first place, he should have remembered that little tidbit of information.

Blood roses:  a Duke x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now