Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait my beasties!Its finally here! But first I want to thank you for all of your support so far! I just looked at how many reads this dark little tale had gotten and I couldn't believe it! 1.3 K reads! You guys are all fabulous! *tears up a little*

 Now we will be heading back to the castle where a resurrection spell will soon be underway, and two characters will soon meet again very shortly.....

(Note from 2019) And by the way, this is a re-write of this chapter, mainly because I feel as if I could have handled this chapter much better than I did when I was sixteen or seventeen..... Anyway, hope you darlings enjoy regardless!

It had taken you a few days of preparation for this, but you were as ready as you would ever be. Honestly, Much like Missi, you had been very busy over the past several days, preparing for the one event, the grand finale in the dark orchestra of your lives.....

The resurrection.

Missi didn't know it yet, but she was going to be in for a whole world of hurt..... You felt your lips draw up into a smile at that, curling over your teeth at the mere thought that your former best friend would soon be getting exactly what she deserved........

Of course, like every well-thought out, foolproof plan, you needed to watch, and wait, and look for the right opportunity to exact your highly foolhardy plot.

And when it did come time, you needed to act fast......

1st: Breaking into the library.

Missi tended to lock the library up when she wasn't researching for spells, or when you weren't browsing the vast collection of novels in your spare time, leaving the vast room shut up tighter than a bank vault when she wasn't working on the resurrection process, keeping her materials safely shut up inside....

So, due to that little fact, you'd resorted to making like a thief in the early hours of the morning, using an invisibility spell to ensure that you wouldn't be spotted by Minoise, getting Spike to go and swipe the key..... Easy peasy! You were a little surprised that Missi hadn't noticed......

But that was probably nothing you should be overly concerned about.... right?

2nd: Grabbing the book.

This was decidedly more difficult, giving the fact that Missi would most definitely notice if you'd taken the book outright, or just happened to have decided to "borrow" it from the library's shelves on a whim for a bit of "light reading"......

Thankfully, you hadn't just been moping around this past year, you had more than a few tricks up your silk sleeves yourself.....

Of course, replacing the book with a practically identical volume was too easy. Just grab any violet, blank-covered novel of similar size, and you were in the clear.....

Now, you were able to read through the spell and start preparing for the next phase in your plan.

Or at least, struggle through a spell that was largely inscribed in Latin, bristle with fear at the gristly warnings of being devoured by beings with far too many teeth and tentacles, and try to puzzle out the exact pronunciation of the 

 Okay, your Latin probably wasn't up to par with that of the ancient witches and warlocks who'd written this tome, but with your 

3rd and final: Resurrection

Tonight was the night. Missi had already left the hallway after setting up for her latest attempt. Being Missi, she had almost everything set up in place, the cauldron, the pentagram drawn on the floor in blood-red chalk, and Duke's clothes in a pile on the floor nearby. And since you hadn't seen hide nor hair of Missi for at least a couple of hours now, you could assume that she wouldn't be back from her nightly flight for quite a number of hours, maybe even until a few hours before dawn broke, giving you more than enough time to complete the incantation......

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