Chapter 8

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Hello beasties, miss me? Well I'm back and its time for another chapter of my Duke x reader story, and boy oh boy will this chapter be a doozy! (Its mainly going to focus on Missi's P.O.V) And pay attention to this chapter, because your author-chan is hoping to do a little something clever... (*wink wink*) Or not too clever, because I'm kind of a disaster..... But hope you enjoy the story, anyway! 

Missi's P.O.V

Y/N stumbled a little as she tried to keep up with the long-legged vampire, making Missi smirk a little despite herself. There was no way with her normal sized-legs that her former friend would be able to keep up with.... 

Him. The mere thought of the man who made her what she was contorted her features into a scowl. God, the mere thought of him still caused her insides to be drenched in cold rage. How she hated that man, the man who'd destroyed her life as she knew it, who'd tortured, who'd teased........

The man who'd made her experience one of the..... no, THE WORST evening of her entire life.... and now, she'd thoroughly humiliated him, reduced to nothing but a powerless shell of a man who'd all but cowered at her feet when she'd thrown him out of his own lair......

God, victory had never tasted sweeter.

From where she sat on the velvet chair, she watched the two vampires turn around the castle, somewhere out of the line of her sight, whether to gather along the entrance or not, she couldn't really say . When it was clear they wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, she allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief.  Let them do what they wanted, she thought scornfully, they're not my problem anymore. Y/n was nothing more than a traitorous bitch with a nasty temperament, and Duke was nothing more than a bastard. Abet one who only thought with his libido.

Let them murder each other, roast alive in the sun, be devoured by werewolves or goblins, take off their clothes and screw each other, turn into daisies, whatever! She really didn't give much thought anymore 

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

If those two had any sense they wouldn't come back..... any time this century.

The presense inside her mind, known as "Lilith", also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as well.....

Oh yeah, there was that. over a year ago when Missi had first picked up the staff that fateful night, something... no someone, yes someone had entered her mind, changing the frightened girl into the strong, powerful vampiress she was now. Most would say that she had been possessed by this "Lilith", that she was some sort of malicious force bent on Missi's destruction.... After all, when Harry kept hearing that voice in the later volumes of Harry Potter; it had turned out to be Voldemort, or in other cases the main character had somehow gotten a demon or some other sort of nasty thing inside their cerebellum, or a mark of a deranged mind; a factor in the character slowly but surely slipping into the realm of insanity......

But the thing was, Missi was sure that Lilith meant no harm to her. Her presence in her mind was a comfort to the lonely girl, and in return Lilith had helped make her strong, leaving the terrified tomboy she was behind in the past where she belonged. Because of Lilith she had learned what she could really be capable of, who she could really be.....

Not a shy girl who was as unpolished and as plain as a rice-cooker, not the girl who'd been dubbed "the mouse" at her school because of a little sound she made when startled, not the lonely girl who read novels about lives she could never live and romances she'd not in any way get to experience...... No, Missi was something more, something new and improved......

A sorceress, powerful and strong, a self-made woman who answers to no man or beast on earth....

And sure, Lilith could be harsh and to be honest, a bitch at times(as expected of a villainess), but underneath all of that, Missi could detect that she really wanted what was best for Missi, even if Lilith would probably never admit it aloud. The voice inside her head was a haughty thing to be sure, doling out admonishments as much as her praise and adorable little pet names.

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