Chapter 8

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Summer's POV

  I sat in the couch next to Grayson.

Summer: hey Lisa

Lisa: hey honey, how are you?

Summer: good thank you

Bailey: aren't they cute, Grayson and summer

How did she know? Grayson looked at me confused, I just shrugged at him.

Summer: Bailey, how did you know?

Bailey: oh, there's a video of you and Grayson making out at lunch, it all over Snapchat.

It's not a surprise, people at my school loved drama. Bailey had added everyone in my grade on Snapchat. My mom and Lisa (Grayson and Ethan's mom) looked at each other and smiled.

Mom: I knew this would have happened!

Lisa: why didn't you tell us?

Grayson: uh, I was going to tell you tonight

Lisa: oh

Mom: that explains why Grayson has been picking her up every morning.

Lisa: ah, so that's why he has been leaving earlier than usual.

They both laughed. Me and Grayson smiled at each other. Ethan walked up to his room. Grayson took my hand and walked up to his room.

Lisa:don't have to much fun kids!
Grayson: that was so awkward

Summer: I agree we both laughed

Grayson: you look amazing by the way he smirked

Summer: you don't look to bad yourself

Grayson: thanks! He licks his lips and looks at mine

Summer: Ashley's not here so you don't have to kiss me

Grayson: dang, you're a great kisser though

He pretends to be upset, I give him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles.

Summer: happy now?

Grayson: I'm always happy when I'm with you! A huge smile forms on his face, I blush.

Grayson's POV

She suddenly seems worried.

Grayson: what's up I put my hand on her leg

Summer: Why are you acting like this when Ashley isn't around?

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure. I usually don't do the whole proper girlfriend type of thing. Ashely and I weren't really together. We both treated each other like complete crap. But summer, she was different. She's always been different... but in a good way. I don't want to hurt her though.

Grayson: I'm not sure, your different summer. I don't want to hurt you.

Summer: then stop... please. Stop leading me on, before it gets too late.

Grayson I can't help it though summer, you perfect

Summer's POV

He grabbed my face and he crashed his lips on mine. It was different from he kiss at lunch. I kept going, it felt right. It was amazing. When I'm with him I feel safe. But, I couldn't do it I pulled away.

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