Chapter Two

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It was the first day of school and I wasn't exactly ready for it. The constant stares or the new classes I would most likely have to introduce myself in. High school was not what I would call fun by any means and the fact that I have to attend when I already knew everything that was taught made it worse. Having to deliberately write in wrong answers on tests felt terrible, I had to unless I wanted to be known as a child prodigy and be shipped off to some fancy school for extra intelligent people. I was not intelligent I had just retained a lot of information over the years, knowing things does not make you smart.

Hearing Bella's alarm, I knew it was almost time to leave, seeing as she gets ready in almost thirty minutes due to her lack of care for makeup or any of the sort. I sort of admired Bella for that but I didn't need makeup anyway.

After waiting for a little while I decided to grab my bag and head downstairs where my sister was making her breakfast.

The brunette looked up and smiled, "Hey." She spoke, not bothering to ask if I wanted anything to eat, she knew what my answer would be. My family probably thinks I am very anorexic but my weight never changes so they can't get too concerned about my health.

"Hey, how was your sleep?" I question.

She shrugged, "Fine. I mean I didn't get to sleep until two but whatever."

I chuckled, "Because you were stressing yourself out? Or because you were watching funny animal videos online?"

Bella gave me a blank gaze as she bites into her toast, "Both." She finally answers.

I only laughed louder at my sister that I knew all too well. She really amused me sometimes, mostly because of how opposite we are. Bella is probably the least elegant slash most clumsy person I know, and I know quite a few people. She honestly doesn't even get embarrassed by her fails anymore, unless she's with people her own age that would make fun of her to her face.

While Bella ate, I quickly went around and picked up the empty beer cans and food wrappers that were around the place. Dad really didn't know how to clean up after himself, although I don't really blame him, he is the chief of police after all.

"Are you ready to go?" Bella took her plate to the sink and grabbed her keys from the counter.

I nodded and followed after her, "Yeah, are you?"

Bella sighed, "I guess so. I just don't like that we are starting in the middle of the semester." She told me and I agreed with her completely, being two new girls in a small town will catch everyone's attention.

We both got into Bella's new car and she started it up. To me, it almost sounded like the truck was going to blow up with us inside at any moment and it was making me intensely nervous. Turning my gaze to the girl driving I stared at the side of her face with wide eyes, I knew she wouldn't notice but I was just trying to put my point across any way I could. And to me, my point was across.

The school building came into sight and it was just as depressing to look at as the rest of the town, Bella was going to fit in well here.

Bella parked and she got out slowly while I literally jumped out of my seat and slammed the door shut behind me. That truck was going to be the death of me one day, although I really hope it's not, what a boring way to go.

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