Chapter 6

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AN: The included image is the current map of Azeroth, Kaldrun's home planet. We'll be seeing more of it as the story progresses.

November 1st, 2017

3:00 AM

Kaldrun and Bellendore stalked through the woods, keeping their distance from each other.. The hate between them was palpable. It soon became apparent that the walk was much further than either had remembered, and both were hungry. Kaldrun could go longer without eating, but he knew Bellendore was old, and clearly already starved to an extent. The old man was insanely thin compared to his usual toned body. Toned for his ancient age, at least.

Kaldrun considered much over the course of their small trek, his hate for Bellendore and the organization he was apart of being among those considerations. The Dark Coven was a group of warlocks, necromancers, and basically any other practitioner of dark magics. Bellendore was their Grand Master currently, and was out in the field more often than any other before him. Kaldrun had seen the Dark Coven's beginnings, several thousand years prior, and noted its potential. Almost a decade ago, Kaldrun joined the Dark Coven in an interest to learn more about the Old Gods and their void magics, and to further his knowledge in the dark arts in general. He had not been part of their small group for long before the Burning Legion's second invasion of Azeroth. Realizing his duty to his people, Kaldrun abandoned the Coven and sought out Illidan Stormrage, the first demon hunter. Kaldrun had heard from colleagues in the Coven that Stormrage was taking in disciples, and teaching them the ways of Fel magic combined with physical combat. We will return to Kaldrun's story later, but in short, Kaldrun became one of Illidan's trainees and was imprisoned after along with his master when the Wardens - a group of night elves dedicated to capturing demons and demon hunters - caught up with them. After being freed, Kaldrun returned to the Coven, only to learn that the previous Grand Master had been slain in a duel with Bellendore Smythe, who then rose to replace him. Kaldrun caught Bellendore's eye, and they became friends in a short time. They had many adventures together and rose in power steadily, both becoming all but omnipotent in dark magic. The pair had a falling out, however, when the Coven began meddling in night elven politics and even breaking into storehouses to steal relics from the War of The Ancients, the Legion's first invasion of Azeroth. This enraged Kaldrun, who was inspired and highly protective of his people. Kaldrun stole a rare and powerful Void Stone from Bellendore and then once more abandoned the Coven. Bellendore had been hunting Kaldrun ever since.

Now that the warlock found him, Kaldrun was wondering why the former hadn't tried to assassinate him yet. He supposed it was something best left unconsidered, and so did not consider it.

But Kaldrun was not the kind of man to leave threats unconsidered, and so spoke up from behind Bellendore, "You've finally found me, old man. Why have you not yet attempted to kill me?"

Bellendore called back, but did not stop walking, "As much as it pains me to admit it, I need you. If I kill you, I won't ever be able to locate my Void Stone, and probably never be able to get out of here, either."

Both were silent as Kaldrun considered this, and eventually deemed it reasonable, nodding his approval.

Eventually the pair passed the safe house, giving it almost no thought since neither noticed it at first. In fact, Kaldrun was the first to notice it, detecting the energy contained within the massive mossy rock in front of him.

Kaldrun called for Bellendore to stop, and pointed at the rock, which was of course the safe house in disguise. Kaldrun stepped forward and focused, letting his spectral vision pass through the rock in order to see what was inside. He can only see lifeforms and energy sources through solid obstructions, but that was enough in this case. The demon hunter saw Erin, and found himself beyond baffled at the situation. He knocked gently on the outside of the rock and Erin stood and opened it.

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