Chapter 6 The Tree

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Puck didn't really left Sabrina behind, he just flew to a nearby tree and hid. While hiding in the tree Puck hears Sabrina screaming.

"Sabrina!" Puck shouts as he flies towards where he thought the odd looking tree is. Puck knew the tree was not far away, he keeps flying but he can't find the tree. He lands on the spot he thought where the tree was.

"I swear the tree was right here" he kicks the ground "where is it? I knew I shouldn't have left her alone."

He flies again screaming Sabrina's name. He keeps flying around the forest trying to find her.

"Sabrina! Where are you?!? This isn't funny! Quit fooling around!" At first Puck thought Sabrina was playing games but as it gets dark he realizes she's missing.

Puck goes home defeated. As he gets near the house, Daphne, Henry, Veronica, and Granny Relda are outside the house.

"Maybe Puck and Sabrina decided to go out" Daphne says to her parents

"But it's getting dark, they should be home by now." Veronica says

Granny Relda shakes her head "I hope they just decided to go out" Granny Relda takes Daphne's hand "liebling, I have a bad feeling about this"

Daphne spots Puck "there's Puck!" pointing at Puck "I told you they will be . . . back" Daphne runs to Puck "what's wrong? Where's Sabrina?"

"She's missing, I tried looking for her but I can't find her. She left the house and I followed her to the forest but she disappeared" Puck is on the verge of crying but he's holding it back.

"Missing?? Why didn't you tell us?!?" Henry shouts at Puck "how could you lost her in the forest? You know the whole forest. How could you lost her when you follow her like a puppy?"

"Henry! It's not Puck's fault. He did all he can do, I know because he cares her" Veronica intervenes because she can see in Puck's eyes that he too is hurting. "Come on, Henry, let's go back inside."

Daphne takes Puck's hands "you're blaming yourself, aren't you? It's not your fault. We'll find her"

"You think we'll find her? I searched the whole forest."

"Not just think, I know we'll find her" Daphne smiles

"Come on, lieblings, let's go back inside" Granny Relda smiles sadly "I'll call Snow, Mr. Boarman, Mr. Swine-Heart, and Mr. Hamstead. I'm sure the mayor and the sheriffs can help."

Next day at school, before the school bell. Puck is early because he's avoiding staying in the house that long. He was hoping he could be alone before school starts but he comes face to face with Bella.

"Hello Puck, the person that I was looking for" she smiles and then pushes Puck "why is Sabrina missing? What happened? Why did no one ever bother to tell me?"

"I thought Daphne told you already" he smiles innocently

"I was surprised when I saw papers saying that she's missing. Was she poking around tree roots before she disappeared? " she asks curiously

Puck turns pale "no, she didn't" at least that's the truth, she wasn't poking but crawling under the roots Puck thought to himself.

"Uhuh, I'll pretend that I believed you" Bella looks around to make sure they're alone "I might have an idea that will help us find her but I need your help"

"What is it?" Puck asks hopefully

"I need you to distract mani-son, I need to go through her things."

Puck looka confuse "I don't get it, how is that suppose to help us to find Sabrina?"

"Trust me it will, her journal will. We'll do this my way because she's my best friend."

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