Show Your Opinion!

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1. Yo pienso(pensar) que... (I think that...)

2. Yo creo(creer) que... (I believe that...)

3. En mi opinión... (In my opinion).

4. Opino(opinar) que... (I think that...)

5. Para mí... (For me...)

6. Se me hace(hacer) que... (I think that...)

7. Estoy(estar) muy seguro (I am entirely sure...)

8. Me parece(paracer) que... (I think that...)

Por ejemplo,

1. Pienso que tu vestida es muy bonita. 

I think your dress is really pretty.

2. Para mí, los libros son muy importantes en mi vida. 

For me, the books are very important in my life.

3. Me parace que el clima es nublado.

I think that the weather is cloudly. 


Now, it is your turn to try!! Show your opinion in the comment below!! :))

Don't forget to vote and follow! 



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