SOL...YWMA [Ch. 41]

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[AN: I recommend you go back and re read the last chapter, because my "previously" sucks monkey balls.]

Previously: Brent Daniels left the hospital with only a few scrapes. He and Courtney decided to speed up the wedding, not wanting to waste any more time. Meanwhile, Andrea was enraged when she saw Quentin kissing someone else, but she doesn't want to admit it due to a past relationship that ended tremendously awful. Quentin is left feeling confused about it all.

Chapter 41

"No, no, no, and no," Courtney chanted as she moved one of the pins to another area of the board. As of right now, we are going over the seating arrangements. I made a miniature version of the wedding reception area on a large board. On the board are pictures of where exactly everything will be placed in the eating area.

We've been at this for the past two hours. Apparently, her family is very...complicated.

"We, what about putting Joseph next to his sister, Venice?" I questions, trying to find some sort of solution. Courtney instantly shook her head.

"That won't work. They hate each other this year," she answered, causing me to look at her strangely. She unconsciously twirled the ends of her hair as she looked over the board.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked. She sighed and stood up from her once slouched over position. We both had been leaning over the table, getting better angles of the layout.

"Well, their sibling rivalry is intense. Every other year, they hate each other. They'll literally go an entire year hating each other. Even through the holidays. But then, one will have some sort of epiphany, and they'll start communicating again. Unfortunately, something always happens, and they go back wanting to kill each other for the hundredth time. It's very dysfunctional," she replied as if it was no big deal.

I'm left standing there, trying to make sense of it all. When I see that she's not going to speak on it anymore, I shake that information from my head and continue with the seating arrangements.

"Ok, how about sitting Joshua at table three, and putting Venice at table nine. That way, they won't even have to look at one another," I moved the two pins that had the siblings' names on it to their new location.

Courtney looks over the entire little model before nodding her head.

"Looks good. Brent's family is super chill, so they'll probably do fine sitting with just about anyone," she informed me.

"Why am I always around you guys when you're doing the most girlish things?" Quentin asked out loud as he flips through an Athlete's Illustrated magazine, one that I so happen to be on the cover a bikini.

I rolled my eyes and walk over to him. I snatched the magazine from his hands, against his protest.

"Maybe because no matter how girlish we are, we're still your best friends, and you love us. That being said, you'll always want to be around us," I answered as I put the magazine down on the table next to the chair he so happened to be lounging on.

He was sitting sideways, so his legs were dangling over the armrest. He reached out to grab it, but I moved it further and out of his reach. He pouted and I stuck my tongue out in return.

"Speaking of you doing girlish things, and by things I mean girls, where's Andrea?" Courtney asked, not bothering to look up from the black binder she was holding. Inside said binder, is a list of all her and Brent Daniels relatives.

"First, I'm not doing her. And second, how am I supposed to know? She's Isyss' assistant, ask her," he said while pulling his phone out of his pants pocket. He began typing away on it, suddenly becoming interested in whatever he had going on.

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