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"Human lives are full of memories. The good ones, the bad ones. The ones they don't want to forget, the ones they do want to forget ... but can't." Jin says as he presses the record button on his holoCam.

He sighs.

"Here we go again." He stares at the timer ticking on his holoCam and nervously clenches his fists.

"You can now start." The android voice echoes in the huge room.

"It's the year 2513. My name is Seokjin au Solaris. I am the first born son of the great Solaris family, one of the most powerful families in the whole Solar System. I have a younger brother. I am the commander of my family's Armada."

He pauses and presses his temples, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

"Or so I've been told."

He flinches as the huge glass door opens with a hiss. Seokjin turns to see Doctor Hwa Ignis. He rolls his eyes and turns to the camera, pressing pause.

"I am sorry to disturb you Dominus. The team had a meeting and we came to a conclusion that it would be better for your progress to have someone in the room with you, while you record. Your records so far are completely the same. No new information. Please understand. This is for your own good." Doctor Hwa Ignis says as she takes a few steps back seeing Seokjin's reaction.

As soon as the doctor said "for your own good", he bursts out.

"For your own good?" You've been saying those words to me ever since we started this so-called therapy, and I don't see any of it doing any good to me. Now, would you please leave the room and let me do this on my own?" Seokjin says, crossing his arms across himself and closing his eyes, visibly annoyed.

The doctor looks at him with sorrow in her eyes.

"No. The rules were made so that you can recover. So you will have—"

"I don't have to do anything. I don't understand why I'm still here in the first place." He says through his teeth, his eyes still closed.

The doctor moves the chair and sits at Jin's table. The screeching of the chair against the black floor causes Jin to open his eyes. The doctor had a firm faced expression. Her eyes are serious behind the glasses, illuminated by the teal screens that surround the entire room.

"Doctor Nicole, I think you're crossing the line." He says calmly.

"Dominus, how do I say this nicely to you?" She asks more to herself. "I am begging you, listen carefully to what I am saying. This is not just about you. This is bigger than you, me and this ship. Our entire society depends on your knowledge, your connections, your leadership. Your armada is waiting for you on Phobos." Her voice trembles.

Jin finally sits on his chair across the table and looks Doctor Hwa Ignis straight in the eyes.

"Do I scare you?" He asks after noticing the change in her voice.

The doctor smiles.

"No. What scares me is what will happen if we don't succeed with this therapy. That's the reason I'm here. I want to help you." She says, leaning closer, with a mild smile on her face.

"I'm sorry I burst out like that. I understand your position here, but this process is hard for me as well. I will do everything I can to be the man you say I once was. I hope I am really worth of saving." Jin says, turning his head sideways, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Let's try it again." He says as he stands up and starts walking towards one of the windowScreens.

Illuminated by numerous screens around him, Seokjin looks like a true IronGold. Broad shoulders, deep, serious eyes, his golden irises glisten every time he blinks. His beautifully structured face tenses as he focuses on his task.

He bites his bottom lip and sighs.

"As you wish, Dominus. Let's start." The doctor says gently as she presses the holo.

"It's the year 2513. My name is Seokjin au Solaris. I am the first born son of the great Solaris family, one of the most powerful families in the whole Solar System. I have a younger brother. I am the commander of my family's Armada, which is waiting for me on Phobos?" he turns towards the doctor for approval.

She nods and encourages him to continue.

"I am 24 years old, is it correct?" He turns to the doctor again.

The doctor mouths ''No", not wanting to interrupt the video diary, that they've been keeping for weeks already.

"25?" He asks, nervousness washing over him once again.

The doctor nods and smiles again.

Jin relaxes a bit, but then he is out of words again. He walks towards the doctor, presses the off button on the holo.

The android voice fills the room yet again.

"Two minutes and 30 seconds. Session unsuccessful. Would you like to try again?"

The doctor drops the holo on the table and follows Seokjin, who quickly paces towards the door. Right before exiting the room, he stops.

Doctor Hwa Ignis keeps her distance, giving him the space that he needs, but keeps her eyes on his back.

She flinches as he starts speaking, his voice cold and distant.

"Human lives are full of memories. The good ones, the bad ones." He repeats the words, the first ones he heard after opening his eyes for the first time on this ship.

"But I have none."

And with those words, he leaves.  

BTS AU - Rising: The Lost Star (Edit in progress)Where stories live. Discover now