Chapter 3 [Part 1 - The Desert]

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As soon as they heard that Jin was awake, all the boys tried to go and see him, but the team of doctors did not allow it. They told them that there was a certain procedure which needed to be completed before they meet him, and they claimed that it would be too overwhelming for Seokjin to see so many faces at once.

Two very long days passed before doctor hwa Ignis came to Jimin's room and said "Dominus! It is time! Gather all of your friends, we want to test Dominus Seokjin."

Those were the best words that Jimin heard ever since he boarded the Ocean. He jumped from his bed and quickly ran to find all his friends. Fear and happiness intertwined in each of their hearts as they heard the news.

They will finally see Jin.


The group of Golds, 6 men and a woman, walk down the huge white hallway of the infirmary wing in silence. As they reach the door which leads to Seokjin's room, the woman suddenly stops.

"You should go without me," Van says to the group, "I will come next time." She adds, her voice trembling, even though she tries to cover it with a tiny smile on her lips.

"Come on, Van, you are as important to Jin as we all are," Hoseok tries to reach for Van's hand, "Come with us."

Van turns around, trying to hide her face from Hoseok.

"I'll visit later, I promise. Plus Nav should arrive soon, I should go check." She mumbles, as she starts pacing towards the other end of the infirmary wing.

Overhearing the conversation between Hoseok and Van, Namjoon couldn't help but follow her and see what truly the issue was.

"Van!" he calls after her, but she doesn't respond.

Instead, she quickens the pace.

As Namjoon finally manages to catch up with her, he gently puts his hand on her shoulder and turns her to face him. Van turns, her eyes fixed on the floor, not wanting to meet his.

"Look at me," He whispers, "please."

Van sighs, and then she looks at his kind eyes. She doesn't cry, it feels as if all her tears have been dried out. But her eyes tell Namjoon exactly what he feared.

"You lied to Hoseok." He says directly.

"You know me well." Van says with a hint of a smile.

"Facts." Namjoon laughs a bit. "So what is really the reason behind your lies?"

"I cannot stand him looking at me again," Van recalls the first time she saw him after the accident, "as if I'm a complete stranger. As if we didn't save each other lives multiple times," she loses her breath, feeling like somebody punched her in the stomach, "I need time to adjust to all of this, it is still too painful for me to watch." She moves her eyes to the floor again.

Namjoon inhales deeply.

"I know, I understand. I fear the same...I am scared of who I will meet behind that glass now,"
He says, wrapping the arms around himself, "but hey, we are together now. Remember? We got each other's backs. You won't go through this alone." He says and extends his hand to her.

Van takes his hand but she doesn't move.

"I know that, but I really cannot go now. Besides, Nav will arrive soon, I didn't lie about that." She says, a tiny spark appearing in her eyes. "Tan is coming as well!"

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