One Minute Of Fun

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Hey sorry I'm 1 day late but at least I'm staying consistent. Also if like the first third of this sounds weird blame my 4am self


Going to sleep, I have a feeling I'm forgetting something. Homework? Check! Clothes? Check (We wear uniforms for God's sake)! Lunch for tomorrow? Check! Waking up, I realize what I forgot. My poem for today's literature club meeting! I get out of bed and take out my notebook. Looking anywhere for inspiration, I look outside the window. I know exactly what I'm writing about. Titling the page "Dear Sunshine", I get to writing.

Finishing the poem, I run down to the kitchen. Me, anticipating forgetting something, already made a breakfast for this morning. French toast, just like Mc always made it. Turns out he just Googled a recipe for it and added some of his own Mc flair. I take the plate out of the fridge and pop it into the microwave. After the appliance obnoxiously beeps, I take it out and devour it. Can you blame me? I'm hungry. A buzz comes from my phone. It's Monika's "good morning" text. I smile; it's cute. After that, I get ready and head to school.

Opening the door, I see a purple blob by the sidewalk. It's Yuri. I know she lives down the street, but she doesn't seem like the type to wait for someone like me.

"Ah! Sayori! Usually I'm solitary when it comes to walking to school, but I thought having a companion would be nice today," she greets me.

I respond a bland response, not ready for conversation, "Oh, hey, Yuri! Sure, I'll join you,"

I haven't had someone to walk with to school for the longest time, so it's really nice that Yuri is with me.

"Hey, Yuri," I ask. "How counseling doing. For your cutting?"

"It's going good. I haven't been cutting as much. Still collecting knives, though. They're interesting," Yuri slightly smiles, not like Natsuki's forced smile from yesterday. I'm glad my friend is getting better.

We part our separate ways once we get to school, since Yuri is a year up from me. I'm greeted by a happy Monika when I enter the classroom.

"Hey, Hun!"

"Oh my gosh, Monika, if the nicknames become a regular thing with you-" I say quickly, sounding like one word.

"Well, you're out of luck," she giggles.

I sigh. "Okay then, Sweetie." Might as well poke at her. Two can play at that game.

I hear some of our classmates "Aww"-ing and cheering at our cute little couple bickering. I'm not actually sure if our status is out yet, but it doesn't matter. The morning announcements play; I don't listen until they call out my name. "Oh, and will Sayori Tekowa please report to the office." I just get up and go. Might as well, I have nothing to lose.

I briskly walk to the office. I don't actually know why, it's not like there's anyone in the halls to bump into. Once I get to the office, I'm greeted by the school's secretary.

"Ah, Miss Tekowa,"

"Sayori, you can just call me Sayori"

She slightly laughs at that. "Sayori, your counselor wants to see you"

What did I do to get to this point?

"Oh, okay," I respond, trying my best for my voice to not falter.

I make my way over to my counselor, Mrs. G. Her name is hard to pronounce for everyone, so we just call her that. She waves her hand for my to come in and take a seat.

"Sayori! Hello! Make yourself comfortable," she says.

That is not the greeting I anticipated, but I go with it anyway. I sit in the chair across from her desk, trying to avoid eye contact. I speak up soon, though.

"So, um, why am I here?" I apprehensively ask.

"Your parents and friends have notified me about your depression. Your parents also told me that both they and you are not in a situation to get a therapist, so I volunteered to be it," Mrs. G explains. "I'm really just doing my job." She smiles at me.

I nod, going with it. Mrs. G explains that I'll go to her for an hour daily to rant each day about how I feel and what's going on in my life, and how it's better to lets things out rather than bottling them up. Today I start at the beginning. All the way back 8 years when I was first diagnosed. I depart after the hour is up and thank Mrs. G.

Monika almost immediately gets up and asks me what happened. I tell the truth; there's no good reason I wouldn't. The school day breezes past me. I have no idea how Monika picks up this stuff so fast. Then again, I mainly just doodle on my pages instead of doing the work. Monika and I make our way over to our club room after the last bell rings

Natsuki's already there when we enter. "Monika! Sayori! I was wondering when someone would show up!" she exclaims. "Anyway, I need you to sample these cake flavors for the cupcakes for the festival!" On her desk and now in her hands is a tray filled with little squares of cake in various colors.

"I have your run-of-the-mill chocolate and vanilla. I also baked both blue and red velvet. Oh, and I made some weirder flavors like various nuts!" She seems to ramble on about the different cake flavors. Natsuki then takes out /another/ tray with tiny cups and sample spoons. "I also have frosting options."

I notice Monika looking overwhelmed at the pink-haired girl's vast array of options for cupcakes for the festival. Something in her gaze says, "Yuri where the hell are you we can't do do this by ourselves," and, "Natsuki how the hell did you manage to make and bake all of these samples in one day and still have time for all of your homework,". As if on cue, Yuri appears.

"Sorry I'm tardy. I, uh, forgot something in my locker when I was packing up." She says.

"Well that's great that you're here now! We were just.. having cake samples right now," Monika responds

"That makes it sound like you're sampling wedding cakes," Natsuki remarks bluntly.

I lightly smack Natsuki at the remark. "We're not, and that's what matters!"

"Whatever you sayyy," Natsuki says mockingly, emphasizing the 'y'

Yuri, Monika, and I test cake samples for the rest of the meeting. Natsuki says they were already "Baked to perfection" so she doesn't need to taste them. We end up going with all the flavors, to which Natsuki doesn't complain, only asking, "So how many cupcakes?" I look to Monika, who, to everyone's surprise, says, "I don't know. 100 at the least." Natsuki doesn't even look nervous. "Challenge accepted!"

We finish up the meeting by reading our poems out loud. It was nice. Yuri and Natsuki almost got into an argument about writing styles, but thankfully Monika and I were about to stop them before it could get any more heated. The bell rings once again, meaning clubs have to disband at this point. We say our goodbyes and I close out to an interesting day.

Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow // SayonikaWhere stories live. Discover now