Sleeping Pills

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Dreams are usually nice things, right? Not for me. Especially this one. This one is probably the worst of them all.

Everything was perfectly fine at the beginning. Everyone was happy. And then I died. I was hanging from my own ceiling, the color drained from my eyes. It's creepy, seeing your own dead body. Monika appeared shortly after, vowing to avenge me. 

The literature club continues. Maybe not functionally, but it continues. I don't want to see the way it continues. Everything sorta just rerails from this point. The club is so sad? Bland? Monika is practically nonresistant, caught up in mourning me. Does she really care that much? Anyway, and one point, Natsuki doesn't look that healthy, and stops coming to the club. Wordlessly Monika places a flower on Natsuki's desk. Oh god, Natsuki's dead. 

Yuri ends up bleeding out. Being the only one left, she's furious. She starts throwing stuff, which opens up her cuts. Is her pain tolerance really that high to reopen cuts and not stop? At one point she finally stops as she slowly bleeds out on the floor. Another day, another flower. My flower is wilting.

Monika is crying. She's mourning all of us. She wants to find someway to get us to come back. But files don't work that way, my dream explains.

I jolt back awake. That nightmare was less startling than others. More of a dragging out of dread. To say I jolted is more of an exaggeration. I open my eyes, more so. I don't wanna disturb Monika. I care for her too much. Especially after that nightmare. 

I pick up a small conversation with her. I mistake Venus for a star. It was on purpose, of course. I close my eyes and rest on Monika's shoulder again. I know I'm not going to fall asleep again, but the position is calming. 

Monika hums a slightly familiar melody. It's by one of those indie bands she likes. I only faintly remember some of the lyrics. "When times are tough, I want you to think of you in my arms; me kissing your cheek," I sing no where below a quiet hum. She really is a cheesy person, huh? It's weird to think that Monika and I have only personally known each other for a little while, yet she knows my whole situation. I think Monika looks back at me at one point; she probably heard me sing. 

Oh God.
Oh God, oh God, oh God.
I'm setting myself up for heartbreak again. I'm getting too attached to Monika. To the point where she's my everything. This can't happen again! Last time this happened he moved away. And that shattered me. What am I going to--

"Sayori? Sayori! Sayori wake up!"
That is Monika.

"What? I'm tired!"

"The sun's about to rise! I thought you wanted to see it!"

I did distinctly want to see it, especially after the spectacular sight that was the sunset. I sit up next to Monika, throwing a handful of popcorn in my mouth with varying success.
The sunrise is just as beautiful as the sunset. 

"How was your night's sleep?" Monika asks me.

"Great.." I trail.

"You don't sound very genuine about that."

"I guess. How was yours?"

"I didn't sleep. Had to keep an eye on you!"

"You're right, nobody sleeps while Sayori sleeps!"

"Okay, modern day Chuck Norris,"


We head inside for breakfast. Moni leaves after, thanking me for an enjoyable time. I don't bother to clean up outside and resort to collapsing on my bed. I'm tired, but won't sleep.


Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not updating at all during the month of May! I got really bad writer's block, which is why this chapter sucks. I am, however, getting off school on the fourteenth, so updates will hopefully come during their regular schedule of every other Sunday. (They actually were every Sunday, but I quickly realized that that's not possible and the updates were closer to every other Sunday)

Also, this is the chapter! This (and the next chapter) is the chapter that really gets the ball rolling for the plotline! I'm super excited for every chapter after this one. I hope the future ones don't suck as much! 

 I also want to ask one question: should I give titles to chapter names? More specifically song titles/lyrics since this fic is named after an album? Write it in a comment or something I dunno.


Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow // SayonikaWhere stories live. Discover now