You Or A Ghost?

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Once I left Sayori's house, I went straight home. I decided that today will be a day to just chill at home. This week has been a really hard week. Thankfully, Sayori was there to make everything better. What would I do without her?

I got home and changed into more comfortable clothes. Well, pajamas. I changed into pajamas. Sometimes you just can't sugarcoat things. I headed over to the kitchen and found a new note where I had left mine. It's from my mother, reading that she had to leave early for some trip and that she loves me. It's always nice to be reassured that you are loved. I hope Sayori knows she's loved.

I plopped onto the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. I fired up the tv and played some movie on Netflix that looked good. After a while I started mindlessly scrolling through my phone, seeing photos of Natsuki and Yuri's time today. 

Today looked like a wonderful day outside. The sunlight was blanketing everything in it's warm glow. I paused the movie and took a minute to bask in the sun's light. The contrast between my dark house and the sun outside gave me a shocking realization. Is this what Sayori's mind is like? The thought scares me.

Monika, snap out of it! Sayori will be fine. I leave my daze and head back inside. After a while, the movie ends. I scrolled around on Netflix, trying to find another movie, but to no avail. I eventually ended up with a pen and a piece of paper, writing my heart out about all my feelings over these past few weeks. 

I fall into another daze over this piece of paper, entailing all my deepest emotions. The only thing that gets my mind out from it is the buzz of my phone. A new text. From Sayori.

Sayo: I'm in hell.

It takes me a while to figure out what Sayori means. At first I think it's just a joke. Maybe she wants to start a conversation. I started texting her. She doesn't respond, or read, or anything. Then I remember back to last night. Sayori ranting about her feelings and everything. Every memory of her flashed behind my eyes. Oh God, I hope I'm not too late.

I bolted out of the house. I realized that It'd take to long to drive. I go back into the code. I hate doing this but I do it nonetheless. I find my file and use it to teleport straight to Sayori's room. The sight I see is horrible. "Sayori!" I yell. Her eyes close. There's a noose around her neck as she's hanging from the ceiling with her bottle of sleeping pills open near her. There has to be something I can do. I grabbed Sayori's hopefully not dead body.

I still absolutely hated messing with code. No hangover could be worse than changing the fabric of your universe. I messed with the code anyway. Anything to get Sayori back. I could rewind time, just that little bit. It worked, thankfully, and Sayori opens her eyes once again. I hugged her like it's the end of the world.

"Oh my gosh, I was so scared that I lost you. Don't do that again." I said as I tears started coming out of my eyes, my head and heart pounding.

"Monika? You made it. I was stupid, you do care, you care so, so, much," Sayori started sobbing.

I start rubbing her back slowly. "Shh, everything will be alright," I said no over a whisper. We stayed like that for a while.

If this were a rollercoaster, this'd be the first drop.

Early update because I like u.

Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow // SayonikaWhere stories live. Discover now