City Lights

504 18 11

I make it to Sayori's quite quickly, considering that I do live near to her. She's already sprawled out on her lawn with a pile of blankets. Sayori gestures to me to come over to her and greets me.

"Monika! Come over here! I have.. stuff!" she calls me over. "Plus, the sun's gonna start setting soon!"

I giggle at her the greeting and make it over to her. Sayori is sprawled out on the blankets. "Moniii-" she groans out, jokingly changing her disposition. "I'm hungryyy- pass me the tiiin!" I do as she says, (we don't want a grumpy Sayori) and she quickly opens the tall tin filled with popcorn. She sits up, to give me space, and shoves a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

I sit down next to her. The sun begins to set. The sky is a mesmerizing painting of soft pinks and purples, oranges and yellows, so many shades of blues. The clouds are peppered throughout the sky, especially close to the setting sun and rising moon. I feel at peace. 

"Wow...." I hear Sayori mutter. "It's like- I don't know. It's just really pretty. I've never been that good with words. It's just- beautiful," she sighs. I feel her lean onto my shoulder. "You're comfortable."

"Thanks." I say. She leans into me more.

"Y'know, my life really sucked. I've been lonely for a lot of time, and I never really had anything to do. I didn't have any passions. My old best friend left me a while back and life was really bland. I didn't have any other friends and I suffered even more. My depression got worse. But then the literature club came around! You are one of the best I've ever met! And so are Yuri and Natsuki! You guys are amazing." Sayori rambles as the sun finally sets behind the horizon. Her and the rest of her neighborhood's lights weren't on, so the stars were perfectly visible. "Mhm. I've also been having trouble sleeping, but I started taking pills to help me sleep, but I just feel oddly tired too-" 

Sayori eventually falls asleep on my shoulder. She really looks at peace, despite the whole rant about her past she had just blurted out. I know it's not true, but it's what she knows, and that makes me sad. But happy too. It's a bittersweet existence. I guess it's good, though, since she doesn't understand the pain of knowing exactly how we're made to be. I hear quiet intelligible mumbles from Sayori. She's dreaming. I hope she's dreaming something nice. She deserves it. 

I see the city lights in the distance. They're brighter than the stars. Something attracts me to them. Smaller lights, there's something about them that's truly mesmerizing about them. Some part of me tells me to abandon Sayori and go to them. I shake those thoughts out of my head. No, Sayori is one of the reasons I don't just completely break up this world, why should I just leave her? 

I look up to the stars. I look up looking for the constellations. I quickly point them all out. Orion, Ursa Major and Minors, all 12 zodiacs, you name it, I find it. Around 12 Sayori wakes up. "Moni, what time is it? What are we doing now?" 

"You were sleeping. I was looking at the stars."

"I can name some!"

"Oh really now?"

"Yeah. There's the big bright one-"

I laugh as Sayori points at a small bright patch in the sky. "Sweetie, that's Venus! Y'know the planet?"

"Oh, pff, yeah I know. I was just kidding!" she bluffs.

"Okay, if you say so," I remark back.

The conversation stops for a while, then picks up again.


"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"What happens in the future?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you know, what happens?"

"I- I don't know. This time is one of the most independent. Someone's missing this time. This hasn't happened before."

"Huh. That's weird"


Sayori ends up falling asleep on my shoulder again, and I look at the stars again. I softly hum random songs that I think up, and sometimes it sounds like Sayori is humming along. Maybe in her dreams.


Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for 200 reads and that I'm sorry this sucks/is late. I promise to update again sometime in the week but this is what I can write as of now. Also! Tomorrow is my birthday! That's all I have to say now. Thanks for supporting me in writing this! Have a good day/night/afternoon/whenever

Goodnight, and Have a Pleasant Tomorrow // SayonikaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora