Weedlion and Blue monkey

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The monsters are spreading and mean while the hero's are walking.  

Deadlox then said "ok so when we separated weed lion and blue monkey said they are coming here. They may not be really known for team Crafted we still need them they were a great help."

All of a sudden a banana hit y/n and that's when they see a monkey swinging away. They ran after it but it was fast 💨.

That's when Deadlox threw a tracking device on it. Y/n and then stopped because it got away but Deadlox smiled and said "I got it I threw a tracking device so now we have to walk until the sound in my headphones get Better than we found it.

They walked for what seemed like forever until the found a village built on the trees. They walked in but all the lions and monkeys stood up and pointed their swords at y/n And his friends.

They were token to the main cottage and that's when Deadlox and the rest saw blue money on the throne.
Deadlox walked forward and said hey guys long time no see but I'll cut to the chase monsters are taking over but the only thing that can stop them is team crafted. 

Blue monkey put his hand in the air then he whispered to weed lion and weedlion whispered to blue monkey.

They Finally did agree because they cared about their people.

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