Kermit and xRpMx13

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They were walking the husky said ok I'll go after Kermit you guys go after xRpMx13.

They nodded and then they saw xRpMx13 fighting bad guys.

Y/n nodded but then bajan ran forward and said come on let's do this. Then he started fighting bad guys and others joined in. 

Y/n said to xRpMx13 join us we need team Crafted to stop the monsters.

He stabbed a bad guy and said I work alone like Batman. Deadlox laughed and said nope Batman is in the justice league. 

xRpxMx13 said "yah ok sure I missed you guys."

HuskyMUDKIPS popped up and said I got Kermit and Kermit got Setosorcerer

And now was only sky but people know him as netnobody now.

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