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After the final battle sky and team Crafted took down the squid king, the wither and the enderdragon. They err united again but after all the bad guys were defeated they all promised to come together again If needed. 

Y/n closed the book and the kids were clapping. The kids started going home and then y/n walked towards Shelby. She kissed him and he put his arm around her waist.

She smiled and said "well done hero you did it got into the legends book.

Y/n nodded and all of a sudden a beeping sound came on

Y/n looked at Shelby and asked "wanna come." She shook her head and said "nah our kids need dinner." 

Y/n flew off

Shelby looked at her wedding ring y/n gave her then whispered good luck hero.

Y/n walked into the team Crafted justice building and they said let's go rookie your one of us.

Y/n nodded and said TEAM CRAFTED UNITE


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