Sky or net

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Dawn led them to a concert and said team crafted members let me present to you netnobody

(To be honest not my taste of music but listen if you like it but it has swears so you could just skip it if you want)

Deadlox shrugged and said "ok we need to convince him to be sky again and team up.

Ross said "I'm not a team Crafted member so I'll just watch the concert

Y/n and the rest went to sky and said sky we need help monsters are invading and only team Crafted can stop them. Net laughed and said "I'll never join so stop trying or I'll call security." 

They were about to walk out but then then enderdragon blew up the stage. The team Crafted members ran at it but they were separated too long and forgot how to work together so they failed and then herobrine appeared and said "you guys failed and to be honest I was actually worried. Now one of you need to die to show you a lesson." He swung around and threw a knife at netnobody but he didn't get hit. 

Net looked up to see Ross stabbed.

Ross fell to the ground. Herobrine disappeared with the enderdragon.

Net ran to Ross and said "stay alive."Ross but Ross smiled and gave sky back his amulet. Ross then died

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