3|False Hope.

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Sighing walking out of chemistry into the hallway, Posters everywhere. People seem so excited for this 'school dance' thing, why? We have two every year. The theme is 'Midnight', all school walls are covered in blue and purple star posters. And that seems to be the only thing people are talking about these days. Maybe I should ask Luke, I mean he could be bi? I don't know, I want to but I just don't want to be rejected and people will judge me and tease me even more than they already do, I just can't have that. Forget it, he'll say no anyway.

"Hiiii" An happy Ashton approaches me.

"Hi." I responded.

"So, you excited for the dance?" Ashton asked a smile stuck to his face. Of course the dance again.

"Not really" I answered. A frown on my face.

"Awhh why?" Ashton moaned (Not like that ;) ) . Really Ashton? I'm pretty sure he know's.

"I think you know why." I replied.

"Ohh just ask him, i'm sure he'll say yes I mean why wouldn't he?" Ashton assured.

"He's straight for one." I mumbled.

"You don't know that." Ashton Argued. I didn't reply.

"Please just try?" Ashton asked.

"No" I replied simply.

"Please please please pleaasse." Ashton nagged. This went on for about forty minutes since we had one of our classes together. He got told off for talking four times, got in trouble two times for throwing scrunched up paper saying 'please' , and got in trouble once for flicking a rubber band at me. This went on for the whole lesson, and I kept saying 'no' I just can't I don't want to get even more bullied. We got out of class when Ashton kept on nagging me eventually I snapped.

"WHY?" I shouted at him. Turning around to face him in the middle of the corridor.

"WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING ASK FOR?" I shouted louder people started to look at us. But Ashton gave them all a look and telling them to turn around, and get back to what they were doing and surprisingly they did.

"Because you like him and even if he says no, you're coming and having a good time whether you like it or not I will drag you there!" Ashton whisper/shouted. I stayed silent.

"Fine." I spoke up.

"So you'll ask??" Ashton asked me excitedly. A huge smile plastered on his face.

"Yes if you'll stop annoying me!" I scolded. He seemed impressed, like he didn't regret a thing.

"Okay but I have to come with you to make sure you don't back out okay." Ashton stated.

"Okay fine." I uttered. I'm sick of this anyway.

"We'll go next next block okay?" Ashton decided.

"Fine whatever." I spoke.

"Okay, see you next next block." Ashton waved off walking into the direction of his class.

I'm nervous, I don't wanna do this. I should've just let him annoy me all day. The next two classes I savoured because however I was not ready for asking Luke to the dance one bit, I was beyond afraid. Maybe I could just ask him tomorrow.

Oh next class I had History, then Writing, then asking my crush to the dance. Oh gosh no. Walking into history, I sat right at the back. Listening to the teacher.

So History was fun forty minutes of ancient things, why do we even need to learn it? It was in the past and now is present. Ok next is... writing. Ugh I don't like writing, the teacher is mean. And expects people to do a two thousand word esa in a day. Nobody can do that Jeezz half the class gets detention because of it, I have no idea how the rest of the class gets it done. Anyway In the class I go and sit in the back. The teacher talking about grammar and expanding vocabulary. Another forty minutes and class is over luckily she didn't give us an esa. I would've ended up in detention for sure. Walking through the corridors I heard shouting normally I wouldn't have cared but Ashton waved me to come over so I did. When pushed through the people chanting 'fight fight fight fight' repeatedly. I saw who was in the middle. That guy who shouted to me the other day about Luke. And then there was Luke. Oh god.

"Why can't you just leave it alone Dylan!" Luke shouted and now the known name of, Dylan. Luke's back was faced to me, and I could see Dylan clearly. Dylan glanced at me before returning his gaze to Luke again.

"Why are you sticking up for your boyfriend for!?" Dylan shouted back at Luke.

"He's not my boyfriend and I already have a date for the dance, right Laurel?" Luke screamed back looking at Laurel, she nodded and walked closer to Luke as he put his arm around her back. I was supposed to go with Luke. Tears formed in my eyes, and they began to slip past, I new it was a bad idea anyway I just wish it was me. I ran away so nobody could see me crying, someones footsteps running after me. Probably Ashton. I ran outside and sat behind a tree crying into my hands. I will never even get to Luke, He will never like me no one likes me. Bad thoughts running through my mind, and tears became quicker. Someone rubbed my back, Ashton.

"Hey mate you okay?" Ashton asked soothingly.

"No." I sniffled. I wasn't really in the mood for talking.

"It'll be okay, you still don't know he could be faking it." Ashton spoke trying to calm me.

"He could be bi, you don't know yet there's still hope left for you two." Ashton added.

"False hope." I mumbled. Admit it this has been going on for two years nothings happened apart from a few days ago but that didn't mean anything. He doesn't like me no one does.

"No things will get better I promise." Ashton spoke to me holding out his arms. I hugged him and crying soaking the top corner of his shirt. He rubbed my back and I just cried in his shirt.



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