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I looked up the old creme wall, paint chipped off at the bottom leading to the top, and there it also held a window left half open. Maybe I should climb inside? Isn't that kinda of breaking in? A conversation breaking out to myself about climbing through I'm hoping Michael's bedroom window. Right now I'm stood outside his house debating if I should do a breaking and entering. It's for a good reason though right? At first when coming here I decided instead of me sitting at home and him running through my mind all night, I wanted to come here. But thing's didn't turn out how I thought they would when I arrived at his doorstep. 

After a long debate in my head I pushed the thoughts of not climbing his window and started climbing the side of Michael's house leading up to the window. I swiftly swung my leg over the window, climbing through it making sure to make no noise. I looked up at a room filled with band posters on the walls and clothes scattered across the floor, a king size bed in the middle of the room which held a green headed boy at the end of it.

Has he noticed me yet? 

Yea that's why he's spoken to you.

Well then how do I let myself be noticed without scaring the boy? 

The sarcastic voice didn't reply leaving me to think. Maybe should play dumb and act like i'm coming through the window and fall over while doing so then he'll like hear me. I'd rather not that's kinda embarrassing. Umm say hi? I think i'll just go with the first one, it'll be easier. 

I put one leg over the window then back through purposefully hitting my foot on the side of the window then rolling onto the floor. I could hear Michael break out into a small laughter. Why is he laughing at me? He should be helping this poor old boy falling through a window. At least he brought it right?

I stood up off my bum and faced Michael. "What were you doing?" he asked.

"Climbing through your window." I simply replied.

Michael laughed. "Luke I could see you through that mirror." He pointed to a small but fairly big mirror hanging on the wall.

How did I not see the mirror, it's pretty big. I'm going blind, I swear. "Why didn't you say anything?!?!" I questioned him. I did that for nothing plus i'm getting pretty embarrassed that he knew I was there the whole time. But why didn't he say anything?

"I wanted to see what you would do." Michael laughed, but later winced, clutching onto his stomach.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"Uh yea.... why are you here anyway?" Michael changed the subject.

"I wanted to see you." I blushed. 

After a few seconds of him not answering I added "I texted but you wern't answering."

"Oh yeah I was uh.. busy?" Michael replied more like asking a question. He's hiding something.

"Oh. Are you okay?" I asked for the second time to make sure.

"Yes. I'm fine." Michael snapped.

I looked at his hand clutching his shirt, i'm shocked and painfully sad at what I saw.Faintly I could see blood leaking through his black shirt, I saw the blood because of the white writing written on it. I walked closer to him lightly removing his arm from his shirt, to see a patch of blood seeping through. It's defiantly not dry.

"Michael your hurt." I mumbled looking at him, my voice cracking slightly.

"It was an accident." Michael tried snatched his hand back but I gripped it tight. Seeing him wince at the tightness my grip was, I let the tightness go but not all of it for him to run away.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I bumped into a mirror and it fell on me." Michael lied. I could tell, or maybe it was true? I'm going to admit it sounds a little convincing but saying a mirror fell and broke on you is an obvious lie, a mirror can't smash against your skin. (A/N or can it? At first i thought it couldn't but now I'm just confusing my self)

I sighed "Where's you bathroom?"

Michael pointed to a door on the other side of them room saying "It's right it there, but wh-"

I cut Michael off by pulling him across the room and inside the bathroom. The bathroom was small and the walls were a beige colour, tiled bathroom floor and a small shower in the corner and a toilet across from it. A sink was pushed against the other side of the wall with a mirror placed above it.

I sat Michael down on the toilet lid, lifting up his shirt slightly to try and see what damage has been made, but a hand pushed mine away before even letting me see what's behind that t-shirt.

I looked up to Michael seeing him stare down at me. "Let me help you Michael."

I stared at him for a moment and after hearing no words slip from his mouth, I looked back down to his shirt slowly removing his hand from it. And luckily he didn't try to pull away and snatch his hand back, gripping on to his shirt. He let me pull his hand away, none of us making a single sound. I slowly pulled his shirt up, making me gasp from the sight, blood was everywhere covering almost half his stomach.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" I asked him.

"Uhh.. yea, it's in there." Michael pointed to below the sink to a cupboard with two doors.

I opened the cupboard door to find barely anything but soaps and shampoos, other than the small green bag with a red cross on it reminding me of Christmas because of the colours. I picked up the bag returning to Michael after shutting the two small doors. I opened the bag finding tweezers, bandage wrap, a white cloth and alcohol I then closed the bag, picking up the cloth and wetting it, under water from the sink. The whole time I could feel Michael's gaze on me.

I returned to Michael's side, lifting his shirt back up again and slowly started wiping blood off the cuts. I could faintly see glass stuck into his skin, I knew I had to get out later. Luckily the cuts had stopped bleeding as I wiped all the blood off. What amused me was the fact Michael didn't even wince when I began to wipe the blood off. Was he used to the pain? I hope it's just that he's a tough shit who can handle the pain, but it's just water. What if it isn't the same with the alcohol? I'll just have to wait and see then won't i? Wow i'm thinking like I want to hurt him. Honestly I'll do anything in my will to not hurt my Mikey. Did I just call him mine oh m-

Michael cut off my thoughts "You don't have to do this y'know."

I turned to put the cloth in the sink and I picked up the tweezers facing back to Michael's stomach. "But your hurt mikey and I want to help you." I pulled out a small piece of glass.

Michael winced, but I don't think it was from me pulling out glass but from me calling him mikey. Did he not like the nickname?  I pulled out another piece of glass setting it down on the tile next to me. 

After picking out hopefully the last piece of glass and setting it down on the floor, I looked over any other spots to see if I had missed anything and after minutes of searching luckily I found no other pieces of glass sticking out. I collected the little bits of glass on the ground in my hand and went over to the sink dropping them down the drain, while doing so my knee accidental came in contact with Michael's foot.

Michael hissed in pain as I stopped what I was doing and looked over to him. "Are you okay?" My worried voice came just above a whisper.

"Yea it's just that I kinda got glass in my foot as well." 

"Oh.... sorry" I mumbled out.

I rinsed the blood out of the cloth before pouring alcohol on the wounds and covering it with the cloth. When a few seconds past I removed the cloth and wrapped the wounds in bandage wrap.

I repeated the whole thing again with Michael's foot, later we some how ended up lying together in Michael's bed. Not that I was complaining.


Hey so yeah there was suppose to be more to that chapter but uh yeah..IM LIKE AT 3K RIGHT NOW OMG THANK YOU GUISE SO MUCH HONESTLY ILY TO YOU <3 

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