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"So this is my house." Luke smiled opening the door wide, to see a spotless room with a few small tables on the side, some creme carpet steps leading upwards and tiled marble floor. Luke holding the door wide open for me to walk in, he shut the door behind him walking in front of me.

"So uhh yeah follow me!" Luke announced walking up the creme carpet steps. I wiped my feet on the door mat and I followed Luke up the stairs.

To my right was one white door, and to my left were four white doors opposite each other and stairs leading downwards at the both ends of the hallway. Luke walked to the last white door, opening it and walking inside. As I approached the door and looking inside there was multiple band posters on the walls, a dark blue double bed and on one side a creme bedside table on the other side was a window, a black dresser opposite the bed, on the dresser held a big flat screen tv next to that was another white door. I mumbled a wow before Luke dropped his bag on the floor next to his bed, slipping off his shoes and sat crossed legged on his bed. I never seen such big home before, this is like a mansion to me. Luke chuckled and waved me over, I hesitantly walked over and stood in front of his bed. 

"You can sit down you know." Luke chuckled. I slipped off my shoes, and sat crossed legged on the corner of his bed. I don't wanna ruin anything, like if there was something sticky on my pants I didn't know about, and it got stuck to Luke's bed then I would be super embarrassed.

"So you uhh.... wanna watch movies!" Luke asked excitedly.

"Okay, sure!" I excitedly replied back. Luke stood up and walked over to his dresser and opened the first drawer, pulling out a bunch of dvd's and walking back over to the bed sitting crossed legged once again. Luke spread out all the disks he had chosen in front of us, it had all from cartoons to comedy.

"Okay, which one first." Luke asked, smiling. 

"Are we going to watch all of them tonight?" I questioned. There was quite a lot of movies sprawled out, about fifteen to twenty maybe even more. Would we even finish them all tonight? Judging by the darkening sky, I think we would not be able to.

"Yep" Luke said popping the p.

"Okay um.. this one?" I questioningly asked Luke. Pointing to Jack and Jill, I quite like that movie to be honest.

"Okay, good choice." Luke smiled walking over to the dresser and pulling a dvd player from behind the tv, putting the disk in.

Luke's eyes widened like he just realized something "Ohh, wait there i'll be right back." Luke ran out the door as I could faintly hear footsteps running down the steps.

What was he up to?  I shuffled over to the head of the bed were creme pillows layed. I checked my phone, the screen read '5:40 pm' . I decided to check my twitter, i'm a completely different person on twitter. I have four hundred and eighty seven followers, Luckily non of them are people from school. People on twitter understand me, I like it there in the twitter world. Luke toke a while but after a few minutes he returned with a big bowl, I'm guessing popcorn and a white packet in black marker it wrote 'M&M'S + SKITTLES' .Luke quickly pressed the 'on' button on the tv and grabbed the remote off the dresser before returning to the spot next to me. Our shoulders brushing. 

"Help yourself to popcorn and lollies." Luke spoke while playing the movie.

I nodded. "Thank you." 

"No problem." Luke replied. Stretching his legs out crossing them, and leaning back into the pillows resting his head on the head board. I repeated what he had just done as I grew uncomfortable. Our legs partly touching each others.

We shared a few laughs here and there, eating the pop corn skittles and m&ms, and somehow Luke's head ending up leaning on my shoulder and my arm around his body holding him close to me. This is where I want to be doing for the rest of my life, sitting happily with Luke. Luke's been the only light in my life that has only gotten brighter, and i'm not going to be ready to give that up for anything. He's the only thing i've got left. Luke had to get up when the movie was done and put another one in, leaving me with a frown but bringing me a smile once again when he returned to the same position we were in before. I was barely paying attention to the movie and i'm pretty sure Luke has too, since he's been looking down at our hands and messing with my hand. Intertwining it with his, then to change the position of our hands to a different one.

Suddenly Luke asked something I hoped he wouldn't of asked. "What's under the bandage?" Luke asked. I tensed, but let it go a few seconds after. I looked to the bandage as I saw blood lines had seeped through.

"I mean you don't have to answer I was just wondering." Luke rushed.

"No no, i'll tell you just promise me something." I asked Luke unsure.

Luke looked up and replied "Yeah."

"You won't hate me." I mumbled. Luke's face scrunched.

"Or tell anyone." I added.

"Okay, I promise." Luke promised me. 

I hesitated before answering "I got abused." Luke's face looked at me shocked. He probably hates me now.

"Awh baby I don't hate you." Luke assured me, his face softening. My cheeks felt warmer as Luke said baby.

"You don't?" I questioned Luke.

"No." Luke replied leaning up and kissing my forehead. "Exactly the oppisite actually." Luke added. And if I thought it wouldn't be possible my cheeks got hotter. 

Luke frowned. Now so did I, Whats wrong? 

"Who? Who did this to you?" Luke asked me with sad eyes. I don't think I should tell him.

"I don't think I should say." I replied looking down.

"It wasn't you was it?" Luke worriedly asked. 

"No, I just can't really say who it was." I spoke. 

"When your ready you tell me okay? I'll be here for you." Luke soft voice assuring me. It was nice to know someone cares especially when it's Luke.

"Thank you Luke." 

"You don't have to thank me, I will be here for you always, just remember that okay?"

"Okay." I replied.

We soon turned off the tv, falling asleep cuddling into each other after getting under the covers. I decided not to go home because its late, I'm tired, my mum wouldn't care and Luke offered me to stay. His head on top off my chest, my arm around him and my hand meeting his hair twirling his soft blonde hair. Our hands and legs intertwined, we layed in a perfect silence slipping off to sleep.




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