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Anima's P.O.V.


I stood in formation with everyone else with my same usual face. I planned the day before to don't trust or talk to anyone. And especially help anyone. I realized since that day I trained Izumi, he didn't make an attempt to talk to me in any way, shape or form. And I accept it. I'm the idiot that offered to get somewhat close to him anyway. Told him too much as well.

I sighed lightly when Mr. Usagi began some speech about new information about demons. Word for word, he spoke about what I told Izumi. I glanced at Izumi who stood two people away from me and the front and I could see he was nervous.

Tch....typical human.

I hate being both of them. But still I preferred that over being only one of them. Humans are pigs, they're rude, mouthy, overpowering, etc. Demons just drained the life from you until you mean nothing to them and toss you aside. I really think I should go back to living on my own. Roll solo, away from everything and everyone.

"So, next time you all encounter a demon, observe them first to distinguish which one they are. And you all have Izumi to thank for that information. He may be clumsy but he knows a lot."

Izumi huh? Well, I'm glad he didn't use my name but still... Take the credit for yourself? Tch...

"Now, make your way to the arena. We're sparring today. Matoi!"

I stepped forward and saluted.

"You'll be training with everyone else today, you're not special. Just don't injure anyone severely."

I nodded and stepped back. A few snickers erupted around me but I ignored them. Special? Me? Ha, more like cursed. I have to deal with both of y'all species.

We all made our way to the arena and I took my corner watching everyone from a distance. A few of them surrounded Izumi asking him a world of questions.

"Alright listen up, pick a sparring partner and begin."

Everyone paired up until only Iyato was left. Tch...now I have to deal with this guy. Well, I won't break any bones. At least I don't think so.

I made my way to him and he smirked.

"I've been waiting to beat the hell out of you from the moment you arrived here." A threatening smirk lingered across his lips as those words spilled out.

Threatening me won't make you more powerful.....idiot.

I stood in my usual position and waited for him to approach me. You know what came next, the usual "Haaaaa!!!" Yeah, that stuff.

When he got close and slide to the side and went behind him. He looked up in the air searching for me. Wanting to get this over with, I raised my leg and kicked him in his back sending him flying across the field. Well, he didn't go far so, bleep.

I watched him struggle to turn over and hiss in pain as he did. Ugh....not saying I'm forever skilled but damn....the people here suck some major ass.

"Woah, that was quick."

"She's just showing off. She feels she's better than us."

I ignored the comments from the students around me and walked away from Iyato.

"She didn't do an input? That's new. Maybe she's finally learning to shut up."

Izumi, his voice ran through my ears as I walked away. And to think, I admired him for a while. Oh great. Added to my rules; never trust an innocent face.

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