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Anima's P.O.V.


Vacation was over. Aww man. I actually enjoyed my stay at this resort. It was fun. No one surprisingly initiated battle with me after my fight with Minato. Kinami was normal, he just smiled a lot unless he was alone. Lala is actually quite a fun person to be around. Iyato is having fun babying Hisake as her baby bump is showing a little more now. Menami and Takashi are the same as usual. Izumi is....quiet.

And I don't like it.

He rarely smiles or talks. Only whem he has to. And he's usually alone, possibly thinking. He always dismisses me whenever I try to talk to him and I'm wondering if I did anything wrong.

I sighed as I slouched on the bus as we rode back to the academy.

Izumi sat next to me but didn't dare look in my direction. He was busy talking to Lila. He's been doing that an awful lot lately.

Does he not like me anymore?

My mood saddened at the thought. As long as Izumi's happy, no matter who he's with, then everything is fine.


I looked up to Iyato who looked over the seat at me.

"You alright?" I nodded, not wanting to speak.

He hummed and looked back forward, continuing his conversation with Hisake, who was rambling something about food.

I stole a glance at Izumi.

The twinkle in his eyes was there. He had the brightest smile of the ages. And he's not taking his eyes off Lila.

Lila has a boyfriend, I think. Well she's close with someone. But Izumi is getting a little too close to her and I don't like it.

You know what? Fine. I won't try to talk to him then. Whenever I did, he always quickly ends the conversation or says he has something to do.

Tch....this is why I don't get close to anyone.


When we got back to the academy, I hurried to my room and ignored the calls of Iyato. I slammed the door and collapsed on my bed.

Apparently the generals and guards, stayed behind and remodeled the entire academy but I didn't have it in me to care. All I thought about was Izumi.

The last time we kissed was when he kissed me on my cheek to calm me down. The last time we had sex was....before we left the academy. We never talk anymore!

I groaned as I heard a knock on my door and hesitantly got up to open it.

Izumi stood there, looking down at me with a confused expression.

"Everything alright?"


I nodded not wanting to talk to him right now and his frown increased.

"You sure? You look a little down."

I nodded again.

He shrugged lightly, "Alright. Me and the guys are going to look around at the new remodels. Wanna come?"

I shook my head. I want to be left alone.


He walked away, not a care was given.

I slammed and stormed over to my window opening it and crawling up the side of the building and onto the roof.

I need an escape.
Fighting a demon right now would be excellent.

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