Ryu Hayabusa x Reader

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You hummed as you walked down the trail of a forest a camera in your hands as you took awe-striking photos of nature. One of your favorites was a group of beautiful daisies where the lighting was perfect. As you continued to walk you couldn't help but feel that you were being watched.

When you heard a ruffling of leaves you raised your camera at a beautiful tree where the light shined beautifully down upon it. You snapped a few quick photos and looked down at your recent photos. You noticed something dark in the tree that you just barely noticed.

You pressed a button on your camera and zoomed in closer and closer until you noticed the figure looked like one of a man. You looked up at the same tree but didn't see anyone. You blinked and looked down at the screen closer and you could've sworn you saw the man had a long scarf on.

What would a man with a scarf on doing in a tree? You looked at the tree for the second time but still saw no one. You figured your eyes were just fooling you and zoomed out. It was probably just a squirrel or a bird. You heard your phone ring and pulled it out of your pocket. Sure enough it was from your friend B/F/N.

You sighed knowing what your friend would say. You were 22 and we're still a solo virgin. You didn't want to date a man since almost all men who were interested in you were selfish, wasteful, hormone-driven, immature, and idiotic. Your friend decided to play match maker and now you were stuck meeting a guy you didn't even want to be friends with.

You waited until the call ended and then tucked it in your back pocket as a way of saying no. You continued to walk and hum wandering deeper into the forest. When the sky became a dark blue color you realized what time it was. Crap. As well as that you were lost. Double crap.

You looked around but couldn't spot the dirt trail anywhere. You reached into your pocket for your phone and lifted it up over your head to see if you could get a signal. Gods seemed to be saying nope no signal for you. You growled and stuck your phone into your pocket again looking around.

You looked for the North Star and began to follow it hoping it would lead you the right way. You were unaware that you were heading straight to a secluded, unknown village.


"God I'm so lost." You groaned.

You had been walking for hours and came upon the same tree again. You lost the North Star under the tall trees and now was aimlessly walking hoping—praying at this point—you could find someone to help you. You noticed a man made structure in the distance in front of stairs. You smiled and ran ignoring how your legs ached so much.

You ran up the stairs and blinked when you arrived at the top. Everything was so ... traditional. The homes looked like old traditional Japanese style homes and the people were even dressed up in kimonos and Gi. You noticed the people were staring at you and whispering.

Finally a man walked up to you wearing green ninja gear, "Come with me."


He grabbed your arm and you pushed on his thumb making him let go of you.

"Hey!" You shouted.

He pulled out a wooden sword and aimed it at you making you look at him weird. You had a Swiss Army knife in your pocket that you could use but chose not to.

"Come with me."


"To see Master Ryu."

"Who's this Master Ryu?"

"Enough questions,

"What the hell am I doing wrong?!" You shouted back.

The man raised a wooden sword and you screamed and dodged it just in the nick of time. The man attempted to attack again and you noticed a watermelon cart, the owner watching with fear cowering behind their cart. You rushed over and grabbed a watermelon holding it for self defense.

 Ryu Hayabusa x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now