chapter 6

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They told me I wouldn't do any good if I went with them to Dante's office, since I could barely walk, so I decided to crawl in the vents instead.

I did get extremely hot since I was still recovering, but I didn't mind. I thought that if they're trying to human experiment us, I could at least try to find some sort of window, or something. The place where they filter the air to the outside would be good, too.

So, I went to all the places I hadn't gone before, since I left a note saying I would be a while. I enjoyed myself, mapping my paper with new passage ways. 

After a while of mapping, I went back to the room, pushing the lid off and climbing down from the bed. I joined Maya, Jasper, Monty and Miller on the bed. "Where's Harper?" I asked, not seeing the familiar brunette I had gotten used to being around.

"We were hoping you'd know," Miller grumbled.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You guys don't know where she is?"

"No. Haven't seen her since Dante's," Jasper said.

I chose to push down the terrible feeling I had and asked, pointing to the map, "What are we talking about?"

"We can talk to the ark," Monty said. "Well just need a few things."

As they explained the plan to me, we set off for the art warehouse.

I had been playing twenty questions with Miller when we snuck in, Monty looking down at his map, then at the wall. "Right here. The communication lines are right behind this wall."

We all pitched in to move everything out of the way, me grabbing the painting and laying it on the floor.

Miller chuckled behind me, and I turned my head to see him holding a large hammer. "Big ass enough for you?" He asked.

Monty nodded.

We got prepared to break through the wall, but Maya stopped us. "Wait, they'll hear you."

"You didn't tell us this before we mapped out the whole plan?" I asked.

"She's just afraid of losing her blood supply," Miller said, gripping the hammer.

I did agree with that.

"Look, you don't have to like me, Miller, but I'm doing what I think is right."

"Then get the hell out of my way," Miller snarled.

"Five seconds," Maya suddenly said, glancing at her watch.

"Five seconds til what?" Monty asked.

"Miller realizes what a dick he is?" Jasper said.

I snorted.

Suddenly, an alarm began blaring above our heads, and Maya smirked. "A friend owned me a favor," she shrugged.

I smirked. "Miller just got his ass handed to him," I snickered.

He shook his head. "Shut up," he joked.

When he finally took the hammer and began slamming it into the wall, the surface beginning to break through, Monty shined a flashlight on the inside, where wires were.

I put a hand on Millers shoulder. "Wow, Miller. You're strong," I said, acting impressed at his strength.

He elbowed me.

I didn't really get anything they spoke about, but I got the fact that Mount Weather was jamming our signal.

When Maya came rushing over, saying, "The guards coming," we all rushed to clear the hole, while I opened a vent and closed it behind me as I crawled through it. I easily knew my way back to the room, and so did the others.

I would just get there before them.

When I was crawling over the main hallway near the communications room, I began to hear creaking in the vents. I shrugged it off, being extra careful over the hatch.

The hatch flung open.

I screamed in fright as my torso swung down, and I immediately tried to silence myself as I hung upside down, my legs still up in the vents. I watched the backs of guards turn towards me.

"Oh, shit," I groaned, trying to pull myself back up.

"Hey!" They yelled, running towards me.

I got a grip on the vents and pulled myself back into it, crawling for my life as I tried to make it to where the room was.

God, just a little further.

Right when I went over a hatch, I heard a gun fire, hitting the screws, causing the vent door to fall with a clang onto the ground, my legs falling out of the ceiling. I tried to hold onto the metal, knowing the guards were right under me.

When I felt hands grabbing at my legs, I tried thrashing my legs around. "This is sexual assault!" I screamed.

I wouldn't let them take me.

When I had successfully kicked them in the face, I got back into the vents, scrambling as fast as I could away from them.

The adrenaline was enough for me to go faster than them.

When I had gotten far enough, I stopped, watching them as they ran right past me, looking up in hopes of seeing me. I quickly kicked down the hatch and jumped down from the ceiling, running the opposite way.

As I ran down the hallway, I somehow felt guilty.

If they caught me, would I have been taken to the same place as Harper?

As I looked up and was met with a small black globe, a camera, in the corner of a wall, I slowed to a stop and stared at it.

When it slowly turned towards me, I almost stumbled back in fright.

I didn't stop clenching my fists to keep myself from breaking until I got back to the room.

The cat seemed to be slowly crawling towards us, and it only made my head drown further into the pit of insanity.

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