2. I Know Who You Are

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 Okay so this chapter dosn't have much action because I needed to try explain what is actually wrong with her so I didn't want to continue untill next chapter but anyway please vote or give me your feedback it would help me make this story better :)

Chapter 2

"Calm down Alexa, you have to calm down!" She heard Jordan say but his voice sounded a million miles away. Jordan had successfully stopped her ear splitting scream and dragged her out the back door but one thing he couldn't do was calm her down. Her whole body was shaking like a leaf and her breaths were deep and shallow.

The images of the girl played like a broken record behind her eyelids.. The crack of her jaw as it extended.. those black soulless orbs as her eyes. Every time she thought of the girl a fresh wave of terror suffocated her. She kept her eyes darting back and forth along the dark alley they were in, waiting for the girl to come after her. Rubbish bins lined the walls along with stacks of broken cardboard and some broken electric appliances.

she was sitting on some of the cardboard that Jordan must of placed on the ground so she wouldn't get dirty. Jordan was crouched in front of her both his hands on her shoulders, his green eyes looking worried and sad. "Come on, Alexa please calm down.. whatever you saw its gone." she heard Jordan say close to her ear, he was starting to shake her lightly his grip on her shoulder tightening and becoming quite painful. She fidgeted away from him, the pain clear in his eyes when she did.

Alexa was just about to say sorry when she saw a movement at the corner of her eye. Her heart speed up and terror seized her. She took big gulps of air trying calm herself. The movement came from over near a rubbish bin across from them but she couldn't see anything, she could of swore she saw something. 

"What is it Alexa, come on talk." Jordan said looking over at the rubbish bin she was staring at. She heard a door open and close and the footsteps of someone approaching but she couldn't look up to see who it was out of fear that the girl was behind that rubbish bin. It was probably one of the workers checking if she was okay, Alexa thought since she did make quite a racket. She should be embarrassed but she really couldn't care less not with the fear still coursing in her veins. 

"Is she okay?" She heard a man's voice say with concern.

"Does it look like she's okay?" Jordan spit back angrily.

"What happened anyway?" The voice asked innocently as if he really cared.

She saw Jordan shake his head in confusion, "I..I don't know." he stuttered.

Alexa was still shaking uncontrollably, her breaths still shallow and loud. Her t-shirt stuck to her body from sweat and she could feel strands of hair sticking to the back of her neck and her forehead.

She stared at the rubbish bin but it most of been a rat because there was definitely nothing there, she stared down at her hands a sense of embarrassment finally starting to make an appearance. She felt ashamed at how she reacted and was probably the centre of gossip in the whole entire teenage population in the town.

"She looks like shit maybe you should get her some water." She heard the man's voice say again. She wanted to go hide in a hole forever not water but she couldn't bring herself to speak up yet.

"If you're just going to insult her you can go, she's having enough of a bad time without you making it worse." She heard Jordan say defensively.

"Just go get her some water, she's as white as a ghost!" The man braked loudly. She felt Jordan's warmth leave her as he stood up and stomped to the door before slamming it loudly behind him.

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