3. Midnight Blood

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Chapter 3

She walked through the halls like a zombie, the black bags under her eyes prominent against her pale skin. She dragged her feet against the lino floor barely scrapping up enough energy with each step. She hadn't slept since the night at McDonald's and when she did drift of asleep nightmares haunted her, seeming so realistic that she woke up in a cold sweet screaming and crying. 

The worst night was Saturday night. She was home alone, her family gone on some business trip. She can remember being so scared of the dark and the sense of being alone overwhelmed her. She wanted to call Jordan but in the back of her mind she told herself that calling for Jordan would be like giving in to the darkness. She didn't want to seem petrified to Jordan.

She laid awake most the night. Every noise she heard outside made her jump out of her skin. Near he early hours of morning exhaustion took over and she drifted off to sleep. She can remember the dream so vividly.

she was in a dark room.. no windows, no lights just darkness. As her eyes adjusted she noticed a dark figure in the corner of the room, it turned as if sensing it could see her and started to walk slowly towards her, every bone cracking when it moved. As the creature came closer she could see it was the same girl she had seen Friday and she kept back the sob that was making its way up her throat. Alexa started to walk back slowly keeping her eyes on the girl. Her back hit a wall and she could no longer move away from the approaching girl. The seconds ticked by and she was becoming closer and closer her black eyes staring at her in anger. Alexa's legs started to buckle and her hands shook uncontrollably. The girl was only a metre away and Alexa started to sob, her tears falling rapidly down her cheeks, she closed her eyes as the girl opened her mouth, waiting for it to be over. She braced for impact but nothing happened and she opened her eyes to see the girl was gone and in her place was Trey in all his glory standing in a patch of light, his brown hair reflecting the sun, his chiseled jaw looking sharp and defined, his muscles standing out under the tight t-shirt he wore and his eyes were glowing a bright blue.. so beautiful she gasped in amazement. He beckoned her to come forward with one slender finger and she did in a trance, her legs moving without her telling them too. She stood inches away from him, his glowing eyes looking down at her. "You see them don't you?" He whispered before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his strong body. "Don't lie." He said angrily his grip on her tightening. She tied to get free but he only tightened his grip on her. "You can't get away from me angel, you're all mine now." He whispered in her ear. He growled lowly before he lifted his hand behind her and scratched her down her back, his nails sharp, ripping through her thin shirt and cutting her skin. She felt the warmth of blood as it stained her shirt and trickled down her back. She screamed, her skin searing in pain.

She woke up screaming, her skin slick with sweat. Her back was sore and stinging, she reached back and touched her shoulder blade and when she looked at her hand again it was covered in blood. She rushed to her floor length mirror and lifted her t-shirt which was ripped and bloody and no doubt there was 5 scratch marks reaching from the nape of her neck to to her lower back. They were deep and bleeding pretty badly. She shook in confusion, her tears blurring her vision. 

 After that she didn't sleep again, forcing herself to fight of the exhaustion. The scratches had become scars and scabs but she was still confused about how they got there, it was a dream wasn't it? 

 * * * * *

She opened her locker and picked out the books she needed. She stifled a yawn before locking back up her locker and turned to run head first into someones chest. She stepped back only to hit her back against the locker."Ouch!!" She said wincing as the cuts on her back started to throb painfully.

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