5. Humanity

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 Chapter 5

"Y..Y..You see them?" She stuttered.

"Yes! I can't believe I found you! It's like a miracle." He said while bouncing around with excitement.

"Wait for a miniute, its a lot to take in." She said as she put her head in her hands. 

He waited in silence as she took her time to understand. She heard everything he said but the words seemed to blur together and formed into useless sentences that only caused her to become more confused. 

She looked up at him. His eyes shone bright in the small light and showed excitment and a tint of something that she couldn't quite comprehend. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something but she didn't know what to say or even where to start. She decided to just look into his eyes, trying to find the answer in the swirls of blue but they seemed to be holding back something. 

After a few silent moments of them both staring into each other eyes, Trey cleared his throat and dropped his eyes down to his barely touched food. "Come on, let's go somewhere more..private." He said looking over her shoulder. She turned to see who he was looking at and noticed that most of the small crowd in the diner had turned to watch them. 

She was still speechless so she just nodded and stood up, pulling her bag strap on her shoulder at the same time. He stood up too and placed a few notes on the table, not even bothering with the change as he half dragged her out of the diner by her hand. 

She stayed quite in the car, lost in the thoughts that swirled around in her head. He didn't mention a word to her where they were going and to his benefit she didn't care. 

She rested her head against the side of the cold window, letting the world around her fade away as he drove a little too fast along the empty roads. 

She didn't know how long she was stuck in her thoughts or how long they were driving but the sky was gone dark and the air frigid. He left the headlights on and got out of the car. She followed, the cold air sending goosebumps up her arms and her teeth started to chatter. 

She let out a startled gasp as she looked out at the view. The moon was unusually big and set a light glow over the bashing waves that hit the cliff they were standing on. The colours of the world seemed faded to only greys and blues but it didn't make it duller it made it only more beautiful. 

Trey was already sitting on the car bonnet, looking down at the waves as the crashed against each other. He didn't seem to notice her as she got used to the surreal view. 

She jumped up onto the bonnet, sitting close to him with their legs stretched out in front of them. The cars headlights shined out over the cliff and made it easier to see even with the moons light shining overhead. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She said as she stared at the moon. 

"It's not beautiful when you're around... You outshine everything." He whispered while looking down at her. 

She closed her eyes, her heart racing. She could feel Trey's body heat beside her and his warm breath fanned her face. Her blood whooshed in her ears and her heart painfully pressed against her rib cage. 

"What am I?" She whispered, her voice cracking at the end. 

"You mean, what are we?" He took a deep breath before continuing, "Alexa, you're not human and neither am I." 

She took a sharp in take of breath after she noticed she stopped breathing. Ice seemed to submerged her and even with Trey's warmth beside her she still convulsed in shivers.

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