7. The Binding

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Chapter 7

She woke up with her head thumping, her back aching and tiredness weighing her down. she reached out in search for Trey but he wasn't there and his warmth was gone. Panic started to bubble inside her and she sat up in a rush, making her head spin. 

"Morning sleepy head." Trey said as he walked out of my bathroom. she let out a relieved sigh. 

She winched as she touched the re-opened scars on her back. The bleeding had stopped but they still hurt a lot. "Let me see your back." He said as he walked up to her and carefully turned her around. "The bleeding has stopped but they are deep and won't heal up without stitches, we have to get to the sanctum as soon as possible." 

"Do you have a docter in the sanctum?" She asked. 

"No but we do have a duviel and they do magic, now hurry up and get changed." 

She got up and looked around for some clean clothes. She picked up the first thing she could find and then picking up the first underwear and bra that touched her hand. She rushed into the bathroom and threw on the skinny jeans, graphic tee and hoody as fast as she could. She looked in the mirror and cringed when she looked at the mess of her hair. She brushed out the tangles as fast as she could and then threw it up in pony tail. 

"Ready?" He asked as she walked out of the bathroom. 

"Yeah, lets go before my mom wakes up." She said quickly. 

Trey walked up to her and stood there analysing her before gently taking her hair down from the pony tail. He fixed it around her face and then smiled. "I like it better down." 

She rolled her eyes and made her way out of her room even though her legs felt like jelly and her heart was racing from his touch. She silently made her way towards the front door, care full not to wake her mom. Trey didn't seem to have to put in any effort to cross the hall silently while Alexa seemed to make the floor creak. She never noticed he moved with such stealth, like a tiger. Stealth of a killer. 

* * * * * * * * *

"So this is it?" She asked in disbelief. She stared up at the old monastery. A massive wall seemed to circle the main building with a massive iron gate. She could see the top of the tower and parts of the building but even behind a wall she could see it was enormous. It looked years old and felt sacred.

Trey nodded and got out of the car. "It feels.. sacred." She said as she got out of the car and caught up with his long stride. 

"That would be your searcher blood telling you its a place of peace and a special place for searchers much like a church for catholics." He finished just as we stopped in front of the massive Iron gate.

"Do you have a key?" She asked and he shook his head. 

The iron gate was solid and had no bars in it so we couldn't see on the other side. She couldn't find a key hole or even a handle to open it. 

Trey placed his right hand on the gate. "Aperi, quoniam ego sum scrutator." He murmured. A metallic creek rumbled from the gate and then it opened. Trey walked in while Alexa stood a little stunned. 

"Come on?" Trey said as he stopped and looked back at her, a grin plastered on his face. 

"H..h..how did you do that?" She said still stunned. 

"Every searcher can do it, The gate is blessed and will only open if the person speaking has searcher blood in them." He grinned. 

"But what did you say?" 

"Open, for I am searcher."

"Why is everything in Latin?" She asked, Latin wasn't a very popular language anymore so why use it?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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