Chapter 1*

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OMG, first time writing this kind of it might be kinda awkward....but enjoy! :)

OMG, My brother's best friend got me pregnant!


"Mira, come down for a sec!" My brother, Dan, yelled at me from downstairs. I quickly stuffed the magazine I was reading under my pillow and vaulted off my bed. Opening my bedroom door, I ran downstairs.

"What is it, Dan..." my voice drifted off when I saw the person standing next to him. Luke. His best friend. And also my greatest love. i couldn't help but stare at his grey eyes sparkling with life, his perfect face, his windswept hair, and his muscled body.

"Hey! Earth to Mira!" Dan snapped his fingers in front of my face, shaking me out of my reverie.

"What?" I asked.

"We're going to have a party tonight, so clean up any...unmentionables you have laying around. People might get drunk and barge into your room to have sex and stuff." He said, blushing a little.

I looked at him, amused. The senior who was part of the popular group blushing? At the thought of girl's underwear? Even though he's had sex so many times before...looks like he still hasn't gotten over his fear. I shook my head sadly. When we were young, I had "accidentally" poured vinegar onto my underwear, making it stink. Then I had stuffed it right in front of his nose, and he had passed out from the smell. (I wasn't wearing the underwear, of course.) Then I told him that all girls' underwear smelled like that. He nearly passed out again right then and there. He believed me, even though I was two years younger than him. But since then, he's been afraid of girls' underwear.

Not like the sluts he has his one night stands with wear underwear. They all wear thongs that go up their buttcrack. I never understood that. Wouldn't it be so uncomfortable?

"Sure." I just smiled at him. He made a weird face and Luke looked at him funny.

Then Luke turned to me, staring into my dark brown eyes. I gulped. I could feel them searing into me, scalding my heart. I started to blush, so I quickly ducked my head, hoping he wouldn't see.

"Hey, bro, I'm gonna head back up." I said, and Dan nodded absently. He was probably still thinking about the underwear. I stifled my laughter and quickly went up the stairs, locking myself in my room. Fanning my face, hoping to cool down, I sat on my bed. I hoped to never get any closer to Luke. If I did, I would probably explode. Who was I kidding? Seeing his plump lips, all I wanted to do was attack him and kiss him until I couldn't breathe.

Which would never happen. Because he's a senior, and I'm a sophmore. He probably didn't even notice me. But then I thought, so why not make him notice you? Now grinning from ear to ear, I dialed my best friend Stacey's number.


"Hey, Stacey. Guess what? Operation catch-Luke is going to go underway" I announced.

She squealed, "Oh my gosh, I just KNEW you would finally go after him."

"Come at 4, k? We gotta prepare to knock these seniors dead tonight." I smiled and hung up the phone. Game on.

I had already told her how I loved Luke since I was in 4th grade and he had chased off the bullies for me. But he always thought of me as Dan's little sister. But tonight? That was going to change.

My brother's best friend?!?! What?!?!? 2 of them?!!?Where stories live. Discover now