monse's dilemma

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"Who's Cesar?" I sighed in exhaustion. "And what'd he do?" I dropped myself onto Ruby's bed.

He was pacing back and forth, organizing his things. He was still upset over the fact he had to give up his new room for his Abuelita. And since he didn't want to share the room with her, he decided bunking with the twins would be a more preferable option.

"We're not telling you, trust us," Ruby pointed to himself and Jamal, "Cesars not cool." He shook his head.

"Don't think you're getting away with this." Monse crossed her arms. "I will break you," she pointed to both of them.

"We'll see about that. Now come help me move my things."

"Not until you tell me what Cesar did that was so terrible that you're fighting."

"We're not telling you what Cesar said, Monse." Jamal cut in.

"Aha! So he said something!"

"Jamal! Do you need a muzzle?" Ruby rolled his eyes. "We're not telling you what he said, and that's for your own good. You'll thank us later."

"Thank you for what? Keeping me away from what Cesar said?" Monse scoffed. "I'll find out eventually, you know? Cmon Mariana, they can finish moving the rest of Ruby's shit themselves," Monse said while knocking Ruby's ones of thousands pillows off the side table.

"Stay?" Ruby looked at me. Monse scoffed again while she walked over to the doorway and leaned against it, waiting for me.

"Sorry." I looked at Ruby. "I agree with Monse," I walked to the doorway and stood. "Why can't you just tell us?"

"Dios mío! I already told you guys, we're not telling you for your own protection," Ruby pledged.

"Why can't you tell me at least? I don't even know who Cesar is."

"That's a trick, I already know that. You're going to tell Monse. Actually, you don't even have to tell her, you'll just automatically connect minds and she'll know. We're not telling you."

"Jamal, what did Cesar say while I was gone?" Monse cut in, noticing Jamal was at his weakest point.

"WHILE YOU WERE GONE AT WRITING CAMP, CESAR SAID THA—" he abruptly was cut off by Ruby slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Jamal! Get out. Actually, you know what? Just put these back." Ruby pushed the box of books into the hands of Jamal.

"Sorry, I'm not good with secre—"

"SECRETS. We know, Jamal." Ruby cut off his sentence, clearly frustrated. Jamal held onto the box tighter and slipped by Monse and I. We still stood our ground.

"Look, Jamal and I are not telling you. You don't want to know what he said, Monse," he tried to knock sense into her.

"Ok. Then I'll ask him myself." Monse snapped, pulling my arm along with her on the way out.

"Why can I never win?" I could hear Ruby sigh as Monse pulled me out with her.


an: if you guys enjoyed the short chapter(sorry,) please consider voting, commenting, or even private messaging me so i know if you guys are still interested in the book and i also want to know your opinions on it! i know there's only been two actual written chapters but i just want to know what you guys think of it so far. this chapter is just a filler basically but the next chapters a bit longer. the next one is also a filler i guess but there's some foreshadowing actions that'll probably be more important later (as long as i don't change my mind and follow her plan i'm thinking of right now lol.)  i'll try my best to update frequently but i'll just add, i suffer from writers block very often so do not expect like tons of updates in a week you know? i'll try to publish at least once a week, if not two. i just want to put out content i actually like and i feel is quality of reading instead of posting to just post and get views. oh yeah and i'm also going to try to write longer chapters with at least a minimum of 700 words so that you guys don't wait forever for an update just to read like 300 words.

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