bitches be bonkers

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The stench of gasoline mixed with the high heat made me sweat my eyes out. It never felt so muggy out. Every step I took required force to cut myself through the thick air. My three friends and I have been walking our way silently to school.

Monse halted once we reached in eyesight of Cesar's house. I tugged onto her frayed bottoms of her backpack's shoulder straps as in a way of disapproval.

"He's not coming with us," Jamal broke the prolonged silence.

"And why would you want him to?" Ruby added.

Monse ignored Ruby's words and didn't bother thinking twice before stepping her way across the street and to the front fences of the Diaz household.

The short Latino let out an exasperated sigh before departing ways.

"See, bitches be bonkers." Jamal motioned his arms before leaving me the last behind.

I saw Cesar and yet did not want to deal with him at this moment. "Wait up!" I called after Ruby and Jamal before taking a quick huff of the sultry air and pacing myself towards them.

Sooner or later I walked side by side to them. Still quiet. "No small talk?" I tried to ask.

"Right! So about football," Jamal started which earned a groan from both parties, Ruby and I.

"We get it J. You don't want to do football. Hey, football spiral.," Ruby tore his mouth. In the instant the phrase, 'football spiral' came out Ruby's mouth, Jamal begun to crouch and spin in circles.

"...Jamal, I still really don't think footballs cut out for you."

"Family tradition, Mari," Monse snuck up behind us. By her side was a still Cesar. Mouth shut, no train of thought at hand. I didn't bother staring, I kept along the path.

The uneasy silence was soon broken as a car was heard, driving slow up on us.

"Cesar," Oscar's red Impala slowed down.

We all watched as the events unfolded. I didn't know what to feel. Did I want him to go? I knew I didn't like the sense of awkwardness when he was along.

Oscar's car came to a complete stop as if waiting for Cesar to get in. And he did. Cesar stopped walking, backed up a bit, before walking his legs towards his brother. Oscar got out the front seat, and opened the door wide for Cesar, as if he were a chauffeur. Cesar stuffed his bag in and got in, never to face us. He never moved, not until his brother's car was way ahead of us. We never took a glance away from that not so little distinguishable car.

"Monse?" I asked cautiously, hesitant of where her emotions lied. I could not read a thing off her facial expressions. She was like a blank canvas.

"Cesar..." she turned to face us, "We have to save him," she exchanged glances with all three of us. Puzzled at this, I asked how.

"I don't know, but we'll find a way. This isn't how he wants to live his life, I know that," Monse told more to herself to convince than us.

We walked along the same old rickety cement pavement we have been the past week. It's already been a week, time really flies around here. The days seem to pass so quick, the sun sets in a flash and the night's moonlight stays out for longer as I lay in my bed, restless.


I threw books, syllabuses, extra papers and the unnecessary things I've received today that I wouldn't need for another while into my locker.

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