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"Rollerworld is real!" Jamal exclaimed, pointing to his board of clues and 'evidence,' earning a groan from Monse and Ruby.

Ruby rolled his head back and complained for what seems to be the millionth time, "Jamal! Rollerworld is not real!"

"You're delusional," Monse added.

"No!" Jamal pointed his finger in Monse's face, gaining widened eyes from the Afro-Latina sat in front of him, "You're the delusional one, Mons. I'm telling you, it's got to be hidden somewhere in Ridge."

"What are you talking about?" I walked in on them.

"Rollerworld," the two annoyed friends groaned with distaste.

"It's real and 50K is still out there. The dudes that robbed Rollerworld got put away, but the money was never recovered," Jamal sat me down next to him and explained.

"In the '80s!" Ruby cut him off short.

"And the rumor's still rampant! What about The Goonies? Some of those kids thought it was B.S. until they found the treasure. And they weren't even—"

"Brown. We're brown. Only white kids find treasure," Monse clapped back.

"Yeah, I don't know, J. The Goonies is a movie and this is real life. And it's Freeridge, a rumor like that of 50K? Don't you think someone must've found it by now but just hasn't said anything?" I tried to reason.

"Right! Jamal, Mari's right. Freeridge is a pretty thirsty town. It's probably already found, I mean it went back to the '80s so I wouldn't be surprised. So let's leave it be," Ruby graciously took up my words and tried to change the subject.

"None of you haters are going to change my opinions on Rollerworld! It's real, I tell you. It's real!"

"Who you tryna fool? Us or yourself?" Monse rolled her eyes and got up. "Hey, I gotta go, my dad wants me home. So the rest of you can have fun with Jamal's whole Rollerworld insanity."

"I should get going too," I stood up abruptly after Monse. "We should get going," I smiled at the two boys and dragged Monse's arm out.

Once we were out of Jamal's room Monse snatched her arm back. "What are you doing?!" she whisper–yelled to me.

"I think we should talk."

"Uh, I think we shouldn't," Monse sped off.

"Why not? You kissed me first."

"It's embarrassing," she turned around to face me and stopped walking, "I know you and Cesar are like a thing so I don't even know what overcame me, and I'm sorry."

"Me and Cesar?" I laughed a bit, "Where'd you hear that one from?"

"Come on, Mariana. I'm not stupid. I see the way you guys look at each other." What seemed like hurt masked her face but was quickly replaced with a blank expression. She turned back around and began running to what I presumed, the direction of her house.

What more could I say?

the next day

I woke up feeling like shit. Remnants of yesterday haunted my dreams.

Cesar: good morning hermosa

At least there was a little something to let me know today wouldn't be the same as yesterday's.

Mariana: Good morning to u too feo
Cesar: i'm hurt :(
Mariana: sucks to be u huh?
Cesar: am i walking ur fine ass or are u coming over
Mariana: U can come over

I pushed myself off my bed and took a quick shower and got changed afterwards. Once I was finished putting my socks on, I heard a knock on my window. I peeked my head up and saw Cesar's face smiling at me. I walked over and unlatched the window.

"You know you can come through the door right?" I pushed the sill up.

He raised an eyebrow, "Saw your dads home."

"He knows I have friends," I scoffed and continued to tie my shoe laces. I couldn't help but to watch Cesar go around my room and pick up the little clutters around.

"A volleyball medal? And softball?" his eyes widened.

"Ya girl's a professional athlete," I joked.

"Number one in the state of Florida? You still play?"

I playfully scoffed, "Of course. Those were from last year, Cesar. How's Freeridge's team? I'd like to sign up for volleyball while it's still in game."

"We don't have one," he sighed, "we only really do football. Not enough sign up for other sports so there's rarely ever a team. How do you even have the time for volleyball and softball?"

"They're different seasons, silly."

"Right," he put my medals down and sat next to me. He grabbed my face by my chin and swooped me in a kiss. I kissed back but quickly pulled away, feelings of guilt emerged.

"I kissed Monse," I said quickly, with my face still in the hands of Cesar.

"What?" his face dropped.

"Well, she kissed me first. Although that's not an excuse and I know because I kissed her back. Look Cesar, I'm sorry but I can't kiss you and have that guilt stuck in me."

"We're not dating so."

"Yeah, I guess we're not." For some reason, my whole mood had been killed. It was the truth, wasn't it? We're not exclusive but do I want to be? With the way I'm feeling, pushed me to understand I actually want to be with him.

He turned his head to me, "But that wouldn't be so bad would it? You always give me mixed feelings but I know for certain I want to be with you."

"Asking me out, Diaz?" I jokingly smirked.

"I might be," he bit his lip.

I tilted my head and dived in, giving Cesar a kiss. I lightly grabbed his face with my hands to pull myself closer to him. I let my hands roam around his neck and stopped at the nape of his hair. I twisted the very ends of his hair with my finger and gently pulled, releasing a moan from him. I smiled and pulled away for a huff of breath.

"How's that one for yes?" I caressed his cheek.


a/n: this isn't the end of monsiana bitches

Con Mis Amigos - On My Block / HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon