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an: sunday update! i'm thinking about updating every tuesday/wednesday instead of thursday.


"Jamal, get to talking!" Monse snapped once we were out of the house's sight.

"I— I don't know anything. Monse, just drop it, okay? You already asked Cesar and that didn't go well."

"I asked Cesar to talk. And he didn't. So you better talk, now," Monse stopped walking and crossed her arms at Jamal. "I'll tell your parents. I'll tell your dad. I know you don't want your dad to know."

"Know about what exactly? What am I missing?" I asked.

"Jamal's parents expect him to be some major league football player once he's older. Jamal, CTE is not in your future," Monse explained.

"Jamal and football? Yeah right." I laughed at the thought of the skinny, quirky boy being a defense or going long.

"Monse! Everyone knows I suck at football except my pops. I can't tell him. Which means you are not either."

"Tell me what Cesar said. Or I'll tell your parents," Monse threatened and slyly smiled.


"So, what exactly was the context when Cesar said he 'hit it' with Monse?" Jamal talked nervously through the phone.

"He didn't say he 'hit it.' He said he 'smashed, really hard.'" Ruby replied. "But who cares about context?"

"I care!" Monse exclaimed from her end of the line.

"Dude, you can't keep one secret."

"She was blackmailing me," Jamal tried to justify.

"Oh, Cesars a little puto, I'll say that much." I rolled my eyes.

"Mariana is on this too?! Jamal!" Ruby whisper yelled.

"Why are you whispering?" Monse asked. "Where are you?"

"Hell." Ruby took a deep breath and paused. "Look, I'm dealing with some jacked up, cracked up B.S. at home, and I got to work it out before school starts. So, this Cesar sitch, it just ain't top priority."

"Can we just meet up tomorrow?" Monse asked.

Jamal cut in, "Can't. Got one last shift at my dad's joint before summer's over."

"Dude, there's no way I'm facing the Inquisition all by myself," Ruby refused.

"Can't we just meet up at the joint at 5?" I said, flipping over to lay on my side.

"Fine." Ruby scoffed before hanging up.

"Well, goodnight. Must get ready for the long, completely unnecessary interrogation that will take place tomorrow!" Jamal said shortly before hanging up alongside Ruby.

"Can you believe them?" Monse said once it was just the two of us. I could tell she rolled her eyes at this.

"For some reason, I can. And I've just gotten here today," I sighed. "What is this drama we're going to get ourselves into?" I rhetorically asked.

"Oh we're already into it, too deep to swim out of. How's that for the first day?"

"Today was actually really cool. You guys seem a little-"

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