SketchyFuture : Kyou Yoshida

76 2 10

Name: Kyou Yoshida
I like his name!  It's easy to remember.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Personality: Kyou is pretty nervous and hesitant. He tries to be as nice as possible to people, although he's not necessarily the one to approach people that often, even the thought of that tends to scare him.
He's pretty formal when talking, and he tries his best to stay optimistic and think positively of others. He gets very excited when talking about art and all the projects he has planned, although else he tends to be kinda quiet and awkward. He doesn't like spontaneous changes too much, and gets kinda stressed out by them. He's also not too good with stress overall, and finds it very difficult to break out of it and function normally once he's stressed. He gets pretty easily distracted by art, although if he tries his best to stay focused he tends to be very observant and has a good eye for detail.
I really like his personality!  It's well-balanced and interesting.

Appearance: Kyou has messy light blue hair with an ahoge and brown eyes. He wears a brown t-shirt, a formerly white art apron, beige jeans and black and white sneakers.
I like his design, but it might be a little too brown.  Possibly add some more blue to match his hair and give him a more coordinated look?

Sexuality: Gay

Backstory: Kyou grew up as an only child to two successful doctors. He loved being creative from a very young age and would write, draw and do lots of other stuff all the time, while finding interest in nothing else. His parents however thought it would be a dead end, and wanted him to follow in their steps. They taught him a lot of stuff about medicine, and although he didn't pay that much attention and lost a lot, he ended up actually knowing some stuff.
He also did very badly in school because he got distracted and spent all his classes drawing, although he got very good grades in any creative classes. He did manage to do decent enough in his entrance exams to get into a decent high school though, but his grades mostly varied between E's, F's and not getting stuff graded at all because it was never finished.
For middle school his parents also sent him to a boarding school a bit away, although it wasn't as successful as they had hoped, or at all really.
He was exceptionally good at art, though, and for a pretty huge fanbase online. In the end he was accepted into Hope's Peak too, which finally made his parents realise that he actually had potential to do well in life with art.   They finally actually became supportive, which Kyou really appreciated and once he left they kept in touch too.
I really like his backstory, but having parents who are doctors is a little bit overused.  I'm not sure what else you could do, maybe have him research a bit on his own or have his parents have different jobs but want him to be a doctor and have him study biology etc in school?  Otherwise I like it a lot!

Extra info: He's the protagonist of the first book.

Ultimate: Art Prodigy
I like that his talent isn't exactly the same as most, even if it is just the wording.

Reaction to seeing death: Very terrified and stressed out, he'll try to push past it to investigate and help the others, although he'll be incredibly bothered and uncomfortable the whole time.
I like this.

Reaction to being accused: Stressed out again, possibly trying to debate his way out of it but not really succeeding and just kinda falling apart.
This is good too, however I feel as a protagonist he would have to be a bit more willing to debate?  Unless he has a character arc where he becomes a stronger person throughout the game.  Otherwise it's good!

Extra Info: He's in a relationship with Hiro Kimura

How would they kill: Accident

I really like Kyou's character, I feel he could make for a very interesting protagonist and I would love to see how he grows as a person throughout the story!

Personality: 7.5/10
Character Design: 7/10
Originality: 7.5/10
Backstory: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10

Thanks for sending in your OC!  Sorry it took me a while to get to it.

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