HotCat37 : Disco Fujimoto (Updated)

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Name: Disco Fujimoto

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Japanese

  Age: 15 

Personality: Disco is very polite, especially to people he first meets.  He tries to stay calm in most situations and really enjoys socialising.  He does often have trouble saying no to others.  With people like Mao for example, she follows him around constantly, and while he does enjoy having someone around, he needs some space every now and then, which he doesn't actually tell Mao.  Mao often catches the hint, but not always.  So he can be kind of a pushover.
I like his personality, he's just a genuinely nice character!

Appearance: He has dark blue-black, somewhat swirly hair (Similar to Komaeda's), and greenish-brown eyes.  He wears a grey hoodie with a red symbol printed on it at the top right side of his chest.  His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and the sleeves have noticeable dark grey stripes on them.  He also has noticeably slightly muscular arms.
I like his appearance!

Ultimate/SHSL: Gardener 

Backstory: Disco's Mother went to America for a business trip before Disco was born once and was invited to an inside disco by her fellow workers.  She thought the name Disco was interesting, so she decided to name her kid after that.  Disco's pushover personality was also partly caused because he usually had to take care of his younger siblings on his own.  His brother and sister would constantly ask for things, like toys and food, using their younger sibling charms.  Because of that, Disco still has trouble to this day saying no to people.
I really like his backstory, and the reason he got given the name Disco is really original and I love it! Also, the explanation of his pushover-ness is great as well!

Reaction to seeing death: He would be frozen at first but when he snaps out of it, he'd run away to get the others. If he's with other people, he would stay around the crime scene to help out the protagonist willingly.

How would they kill: He would probably use something plain, like a knife. At first he would think about killing them with gardening tools, but then he would realised it would be too obvious.

Extra information: He's a messy eater. Mao loves hanging around him to the point where it seems kinda creepy.  Mao first got interested in him due to physical attraction, and got more interested because of a few reasons; first, he wasn't straight up creeped out by her behaviour.  Second, he seemed to be happy having her around.  And last, he just seemed like a genuinely nice guy to her.  So that's why Mao likes to stick around with him.
I really like this!

Overall, Disco's character is a really nice one who I like a lot!

Personality: 9/10
Character design: 8/10
Originality: 9/10
Backstory: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

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